Y channel

[计] Y信道

  • Through experimentation some planar waveguides channel waveguides and Y-splitters in different scales are fabricated in er-doped phosphate glass substrate .

    通过实验,在磷酸盐玻璃基质上制作 了不同比例的平板波导, 波导和 Y 分路

  • The mixing of solution in the Y-type microfluidic chip required a long channel and the mixing efficiency was not high enough because the predominant flow type in such channel was laminar .

    由于溶液在微流控芯片中主要以层流方式流动,因此 Y 芯片中溶液的混合需较长的 通道,且混合效率不高。

  • A novel Y branch waveguide structure is presented in which a transitional guide is embedded between an incident channel and an output branch .

    减小 Y分支波导的分支损耗,提出在输入 波导和两输出波导间引入锥形多模过渡波导。

  • Three calculation methods of water surface profile for open channel flow are proposed in this paper . 1 . Simplified method of hydraulic index . In mild slope condition combining the index x and y results in a simplified formula .

    本文提出了三种计算 明渠水面线的方法:①简化的水力指数法,在缓坡条件下统一水力指数x与断面指数 y,求得简化公式;

  • Fabrication methods of planar Y-branches and channel waveguides employing structure lights formed by cylindrical lenses and optical binary masks are investigated experimentally in detail .

    对利用柱透镜和光学二元掩模板形成的结构光在 折变 晶体中写入平面 波导、 Y 波导以及 通道光波导的方法进行了详细的实验研究。

  • The scheme embeds the watermark information into the Y channel obtained through transformation by the original color image .

    该算法将水印信息嵌入彩色载体图像提取得到的 Y 通道中。

  • The chip was used to detect ATP in which the length of the channel reduced from 400 mm in Y-type chip to 40 mm and the detection limit was reduced to 20 nM .

    以ATP的检测为例,芯片 通道的长度由 Y 芯片中的400mm缩短到了40mm,检测下限降低到了20nM。

  • Numerical analysis of flow and heat transfer characteristics of Y-fractal-link micro channel networks

    Y 通道流动换热特性的数值分析

  • It was observed that the split uniformity could be improved by using the Y-shaped channel network with the cross-section ratio of main to branch channel was 2:1 and by using an air plasma treated PDMS substrate .

    采用主/支通道截面比为2:1的 Y 通道构型、对PDMS通道基片用等离子体预处理,能在一定程度上提高分流的均匀性。

  • Effect of Backside Ar + Bombardment on Channel Mobility and Transconductance of n-MOSFET With Nitrided Oxide Gate Dielectric

    Ar~+背面轰击对SiO xN y栅介质的n-MOSFET迁移率和跨导的影响

  • By controlling the condition of the anodized process the special AAO template with branched channel structures can be formed because of the unstable growth of the membrane . This may provide a new opportunity for fabricating Y-shape or T-shape nanowires and nanotubes by using the template method .

    充分利用这种不稳定生长特性,通过控制AAO模板的阳极氧化条件,可得到具有分枝 孔道结构的特殊模板,这为利用模板法制备 各种 Y 或T形纳米线、管提供了新的发展空间。