


  • Application of SKI-400 Type Xylol Isomerization Catalyst

    SKI-400型 二甲苯异构化催化剂的工业应用

  • Diphenylethane was synthesized from xylol and styrene by using the solid superacid SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 / Fe_2O_3 as catalyst instead of concentrated sulfuric acid . The process conditions were investigated .

    研究了合成二芳基乙烷的新工艺,即以固体超强酸 SO2-4/Fe2O3为催化剂,取代了浓硫酸催化工艺。

  • TBG 24g / kg could lighten the swelling of auricle in rats caused by xylol .

    痛痹颗粒24g/kg能 明显减轻 二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀;

  • Ease auricle swelling induced by xylol in mice ;

    减轻 二甲苯 所致小鼠耳廓的肿胀;

  • A health condition survey of workers exposed to benzene toluene xylol and mixed derivatives of benzene

    苯、甲苯、 二甲苯及混合苯作业工人健康状况调查

  • Studies on Oxidation of Xylol

    混合 二甲苯氧化的研究

  • Results : The administration of alkaloids of Toddalia asiatica had the function of inhibiting the auricle swelling caused by xylol and joint swelling caused by agar and leucocyte migration caused by CMC-Na decreasing the body-distortion of the rats .

    结果:飞龙掌血生物总碱制剂小鼠灌胃给药 抑制 二甲苯 所致耳肿胀和琼脂所致 肿胀,抑制羧甲基纤维素钠所致腹腔白细胞游走,抑制酯酸 所致小鼠扭体反应。

  • The anti inflammatory effect of Jin 's hemorrhoids ointment were observed by using the mouse ear inflammation model induced by xylol and the mouse peritoneal capillary permeability increase model induced by acetic acid .

    采用 二甲苯引起的 小鼠 耳廓 肿胀及醋酸所致小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性增高模型,观察金氏痔疮膏的抗炎作用;

  • Results SSC could relieve fever in rats induced by the fresh beer yeast and 2 significantly inhibit the auricular swelling induced by xylol and the increased capillary permeability caused by histamine in mice and promote the intestinal movement in normal mice and constipation mice .

    结果对鲜啤酒酵母及2二硝基苯酚致大鼠发热, 四季 三黄 胶囊 明显降低实验动物 体温 抑制由 二甲苯引起的小鼠耳壳肿胀及磷酸组胺引起的腹部皮肤毛细血管通透性增高;

  • It can obviously inhibit the edema caused by xylol and mixture croton oil ;

    口服 TN能显著抑制 二甲苯及巴豆油所致急性炎症;

  • The experiment in auricle swelling induced by xylol in mice in capillary permeability induce by acetic acid in mice in white corpuscle move about induce by CMC in rats to observe the anti-inflammatory action ;

    分别进行 二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀实验、醋酸所致小鼠毛细血管通透增加实验、大鼠羧甲基纤维素(CMC)囊中白细胞游出实验,观察该药的抗炎作用;

  • Diarylethane was synthesized continuously from a mixture of styrene and xylol with synthetic SiO_2-Al_2O_3 as catalyst .

    苯乙烯和 混合 二甲苯的混合物,在合成硅铝酸催化剂存在下连续合成二芳基乙烷。

  • At present there is not much research on the united toxicity of formaldehyde and xylol and even less report on the united effect research of genetic toxicity .

    目前有关甲醛和 二甲苯联合染毒产生相关毒性效应的研究较少,对遗传毒性的联合效应研究则更少见报道。

  • The anti inflammatory effects were observed by acetic acid increased mice capillary permeability and xylol caused mice ear edema methods ;

    用小白 腹腔 注射醋酸 毛细血管通透性增加和 二甲苯 小白鼠耳廓肿胀法观察其抗炎作用;

  • Luohanguo Yanhou Tablet possesses the action of cotton ball granuloma of mice and the auricular edema induced by xylol and also inhibiting the swelling of rat hind paw induced by carrageenin .

    罗汉果咽喉片对小鼠棉球肉芽肿的形成, 二甲苯 小鼠耳壳水肿及角叉菜胶引起的 肿胀具有明显的抑制作用;

  • It also had a dramatic inhibition effect against mouse auricular swelling caused by xylol and toes swelling caused by egg white .

    对二甲苯 所致的小鼠耳肿胀及蛋清所致的大 跖肿胀均具有显著的抑制作用。

  • A New Process for Xylol Separation by Crystallization

    混合 二甲苯结晶分离的新工艺

  • The Mass transfer rate for the Oxidation of xylol in air by a monolithic Catalyst was experimentally determined .

    实验测定了在蜂窝型催化剂上氧化空气中 二甲苯的传质速度。

  • A survey of the health condition of 308 cases of workers exposed to benzene toluene xylol and mixed derivatives of benzene is presented .

    本文报告了308例苯、甲苯、 二甲苯及混合苯作业工人的健康状况调查结果。

  • 237 cases of Clonorchis sinensis infection were treated with pyquiton and for comparison 40 cases with hexa-chloro-p - xylol ( Hetol ) .

    用吡喹酮对237例华支睾吸虫病患者进行治疗观察,并以六氯 对二甲苯治疗40例作为对比。

  • METHOSDS : Antiinflammatory function : Xylol was spread on the mouse ears to induce inflammation . The method of granuloma formation was used to observe the anti inflammatory function of the drug .

    方法:①抗炎:以 二甲苯涂抹于鼠耳致炎,用肉芽肿形成法,观察药物的抗炎作用。