the better part of...


  • I haven 't seen my tutor for the better part of a month !

    我已经 大半个月没见到导师了!

  • We spent the better part of an hour searching for her .

    我们花了 1个小时找她。

  • For the better part of 20 years his once supremely rational mind was beset by delusions and hallucinations .

    20年 大部分时间里,他曾经无比理性的头脑被妄想和幻觉困扰。

  • Took me the better part of a year to find him .

    花了我 差不多 年时间才找到他。

  • I searched for my mother for the better part of a year .

    我用一年 很多时间 我母亲。

  • For the better part of a decade the Atlanta-based beverages group appeared to have lost momentum .

    10年中 大部分时间里,这家总部位于亚特兰大的饮料集团似乎已丧失了增长动力。

  • It cost the better part of his pay .

    这件东西花了他工资 大半

  • Its a well-deserved honor for a woman who has spent the better part of her own life giving back .

    对于一位付出了自己生活中 更好的时光的女士来说, 生活回馈给她的当之无愧的荣誉。

  • I know I lived in that community for the better part of a decade .

    我知道我住在一个为了将来 二十更好的时代。

  • Four days is the better part of a week .

    四天是一个星期中 大半 部分

  • Discretion is the better part of valuable .

    谨慎为勇敢之 (或有智才有 )。

  • I struggled against it throughout the better part of two years .

    在两年里,我 大部分时间都在与它进行斗争。

  • Argued for the better part of an hour .

    争论了 大半个小时。