

adj.& pron.that的复数


n.那,那个( that的名词复数)(指较远的人或事物)那(指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那(特指)那

  • A number of leading opposition figures were said to be among those arrested .

    据说,许多反对派的重要人物也在被捕 之列。

  • Those people hurt me and knocked my confidence .


  • I vowed then no matter what I would never be like those people .

    于是我发誓,无论如何,我和他们 那种人都不会成为一丘之貉。

  • I have been putting pressure onto the Cleansing Services to replace those dustbin lids

    我一直在给保洁部门施加压力,要求他们更换 那些垃圾箱的盖子。

  • Those rooms have been assigned to us .


  • Those children want to be level with adults .


  • Many of those most affected are elderly .

    受影响最大的 中很多都是上了年纪的。

  • A little selfish behaviour is unlikely to cause real damage to those around us

    稍许自私的行为不会对我们 身边的人造成实质性伤害。

  • The cells of the body especially those of the brain can live only minutes without circulating blood .

    如果血液不循环,肌体细胞,尤其 脑细胞,只能存活几分钟。

  • What are those buildings ?


  • I believe they 've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press .

    我相信, 那些广告在报上刊登出来后,他们的营业额已经翻番。

  • We must try to live in peace and harmony with ourselves and those around us

    我们必须努力和我们自己及周围的 和睦相处。

  • Oh those books ! I meant to put them away before this afternoon .

    哦, 那些书!我本来要在下午之前收起来的。

  • We haven 't had time to analyse those samples yet

    我们还没有时间分析 那些样本。

  • The point of home bread-making is to avoid those additives used in much commercial baking .

    自制面包就是为了避免 到许多面包店使用的添加剂。

  • The interests he is most likely to enjoy will be those which enable him to show off himself or his talents

    他最有可能感兴趣的就是 那些能让他表现自己或炫耀才华的事情。

  • Those two organizations have been amalgamated into single one .


  • They have the aircraft capable of doing significant damage because most of those aircraft are capable of launching anti-ship missiles .

    他们拥有具有强大杀伤力的飞机,因为 那些飞机多数都能发射反舰导弹。

  • They do not seem to have the vast authoritative presence of those great men

    他们看起来并没有 那些伟人的翩翩风度和威严。

  • He did buy me those daffodils a week or so ago

    他确实在大约一个星期前给我买了 那些水仙花。

  • Theoretically he had control over more than $ 400 million in US accounts . But in fact it was the US Treasury and State Department who controlled those accounts

    从理论上说,他掌管着美国账户里的4亿美元。然而,事实上,是美国财政部和国务院在掌控 那些账户。

  • The government has not verified any of those reports

    政府还没有证实 那些报告中的任何一个。

  • ' Are you implying that I have something to do with those attacks ? ' she asked coldly

    “你在暗示我和 那些袭击有关吗?”她冷冷地问。

  • In fact those people have been promoted .

    事实上, 那些人已经升职了。

  • Those customers who have kicked up a fuss have received refunds


  • He may have been to some of those places


  • I planted those apple trees .

    我栽了 那些苹果树。

  • His methods were not dissimilar to those used by Freud

    他的方法和弗洛伊德的 并无二致