
[θri ˈkɔrnɚd][θri: ˈkɔ:nəd]


  • A drinking mug in the shape of a stout man wearing a three-cornered hat .

    一个 肥胖 身体圆形的人。头戴 三角帽的矮胖人形的酒杯。

  • Normally if you see a girl wearing such a three-cornered cap then you can be sure she is Jino .

    一般来说,要是看到像戴这种 三角帽的女孩儿,那肯定是基诺族的女孩儿喽。

  • It was an order the count had just given for immediately Ali went noiselessly and returned bearing a black dress and a three-cornered hat .

    伯爵刚才所说的话是一个命令:因为阿里立刻无声地走出去,拿回来一件黑色的长袍和一 三色帽。

  • The pattern of visible and invisible trade became three-cornered with developed countries importing oil and exporting industrial goods to the oil producers to pay for it ; the oil producers put their surpluses into the west 's banks ;

    有形和无形的贸易形成了一 三角的格局:发达国家进口石油,并向石油生产国输出工业产品以为支付,石油生产国将多余的资金存入西方银行;

  • Much like Occupy Wall Street the funny radicals in three-cornered hats seemed destined to fade away .

    就像占领华尔街 Occupy Wall Street 运动 一样,这些戴着 三角帽的滑稽的激进分子似乎注定会被人淡忘。

  • The countries who have the Similar situation one win and four defeats are Puerto Rico and Cote d ' Ivoire and so they form the three-cornered relation with China . Finally China relies on losing and gaining points pushing onward 16 .

    同样是一胜四负的国家还有波多黎各和科特迪瓦,他们与中国队形成 三角关系,最后中国队凭借得失分率挺进16强。