three times the size of

[θri taɪmz ði saɪz ʌv][θri: taɪmz ðə saiz ɔv]


  • His body is three times the size of the little child .

    他的 体型是那个小孩

  • But given that the US economy is more than three times the size of China 's the magnitude of such an adjustment is likely to be beyond it .

    但考虑到美国经济 规模是中国经济的 以上,这种调整的幅度可能过高。

  • The digital TV set you have just bought is three times the size of mine .


  • The development about three hours north of Beijing covers an area about 10 times the size of Monaco .

    地块有10 摩洛哥那么 ,离北京大概 小时车程。

  • The Chinese economy the International Monetary Fund estimates will total about $ 5.4 trillion this year while the US will be about $ 14.8 trillion – almost three times the size of the Chinese economy .


  • He disclosed that the network would be three times the size of the current largest solar power plant in California .

    他透露,上述电网 规模将是目前最大的加州太阳能发电厂的 3

  • Iskandar has set a target of attracting $ 105bn in investments over the next 20 years including from the Middle East and Japan to support the building of theme parks retirement homes and universities in an area three times the size of next-door Singapore .

    依斯干达定下目标,计划在未来20年从中东和日本等地吸引1050亿美元投资,用于支持在这个面积 3 邻国新加坡的地区,建造主题公园、养老院和大学。

  • This workshop is three times the size of that one .

    这个车间有那个车间 那么

  • Today the human brain is three times the size of our primate ancestors .

    如今,人类大脑是我们的祖先灵长类动物 大小

  • By2010 ION will be an institution that consists of30 laboratories that occupies a connected compound ( expansion from the present building ) three times the size of present ION .

    到2010年,神经所将建成一个包括30个实验室,面积是目前 3 综合楼。

  • That 's more than three times the size of the formidable great white shark .

    那是可怕的大白鲨 体形 还要多。

  • Yours is three times the size of mine .


  • The second largest continent on earth ( the largest is Asia ) Africa is almost three times the size of China .

    非洲作为地球上的第二大陆(第一大陆是亚洲),它 面积几乎有中国的 大。

  • Lithium-ion battery output voltage is usually three times than nickel-cadmium batteries or nickel metal hydride battery the output power is the same amount twice the size of a nickel-cadmium batteries .

    在输出电压方面,锂离子电池通常是镍镉电池或镍氢电池的 输出电能总量方面,堪称同样 大小镍镉电池的两倍。

  • Exactly speaking this room is three times the size of that one .


  • As Whitney shows these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt totaling $ 2 trillion .

    正如惠特尼所示,这些表外数据难以置信地达到了所有表内总负债的 ,总计2万亿美元。

  • Their house is three times the size of yours .

    他们的房子是你们 房子的 3

  • This witch 's Broom actually spans over three times the angular size of the full moon .
