threshold detection

[ˈθrɛʃˌold dɪˈtɛkʃən][ˈθreʃhəuld diˈtekʃən]


  • An edge threshold detection method based on statistics

    基于统计的边缘 阈值 检验方法

  • Video Shot Segmentation of the Partitioned Histogram Based on Automatic Threshold Detection

    基于自动 门限的分区直方图的镜头分割

  • Three methods for analyzing and processing the laser scattering signal of bubbles in water the threshold detection noise elimination processing and power spectral estimation are put forward .

    提出了 阈值 检测、降噪处理和功率谱估计三种分析和处理水中气泡激光散射信号的方法。

  • The Principle of Information Threshold Detection Decoding and Its Application in the Theory of Error Bound

    信息 门限 判决译码原理及其在误差界限理论中的应用

  • An automatic threshold detection method in video shot segmentation

    一种自动 门限 选取的视频Shot分割方法

  • Adaptive Threshold Detection Method for Dim and Small Target Based on Image Complex Degree

    基于复杂度的自适 应门 弱小目标 检测方法

  • Exclusive criteria : ① dated documents ; Its inclusion errors and exclusion errors is lower than the threshold detection .

    排除标准:①较陈旧的文献。改进方案的虚警率和漏报率低于传统的 阈值 检测 ,并且相对于 阈值 检测 它受 比的影响较小。

  • Its major functions include digital pulse compression weighting in various forms moving target indication Doppler filtering constant false-alarm rate detection video integration threshold detection etc.

    它可以进行数字式脉冲压缩,多种形式的加权、动目标显示、多卜勒滤波、恒虚警检测、视频积累、 门限 检测等处理功能。

  • Response threshold detection of auditory brainstem response by phase spectral analysis together with power spectral analysis

    相位谱结合功率谱分析在听性脑干反应 阈值客观自动化 测试的应用

  • In this paper we compare popular video shot segmentation algorithms and propose a method of automatic threshold detection and partitioned histogram in video shot segmentation .

    本文综合比较了目前流行的视频镜头分割算法,并针对这些 方法的不足提出了一种基于自动 门限的分区直方图的镜头分割方法。

  • In the software design of algorithm focusing mainly on the signal processing algorithm both the PTT control signal and voice signal and the FFT processor structure FIR notch filter structure threshold detection stable algorithm and other related algorithms .

    在软件算法设计方面,重点主要讨论了话音信号和PTT信号处理流程以及FFT处理器的算法结构、FIR陷波滤波器结构、 阈值 检测、稳定算法等相关算法。

  • Double Threshold detection method provided in the communication fields recently is a way to detect the signals .

    双门 检测法是近年来通信领域提出的检测信号的一种方法。

  • Phase Spectral Analysis of Auditory Brainstem Response and Threshold Detection

    听性脑干反应的相位谱分析和 阈值 测定

  • Macula Fovea Color Threshold Detection for Primary Glaucoma

    原发性青光眼的黄斑中心色 阈值 检测

  • The research of key-frame extraction based on adaptive threshold detection of multi-features

    基于多特征自适应 阈值 检测的关键帧提取

  • In order to detect low SNR point targets under a complex background this paper presents a local adaptive threshold detection algorithm .

    为检测复杂背景中的低信噪比(SNR)点目标,提出了一种局部自适应 门限 检测算法。

  • Dynamic Threshold Detection for Wild Value Elimination Based on Skewness Analysis

    利用偏度分析建立动态 检测 门限的野值剔除方法

  • A new algorithm for detecting the centre of the pupil is presented which extracts the position signal of the pupil centre by using the back forth threshold detection method following the two value transformation of the video signal of the eye which is completed by IC design .

    该算法通过将眼睛的视频信号二值化后,用前后 门限 检测的方法提取瞳孔中心位置信号,并用特殊集成电路设计完成,且给出了系统性能测试结果和分析。

  • In order to detect the subpixel - point - and a few pixel targets from low SNR image sequence this paper presents a new approach which can greatly suppress UCN-sequence through adaptive threshold detection in single frame and high order cross-correlation with multiple frames .

    为了从低信噪比图像序列中检测出亚像元目标、点目标和少像元目标,本文提出一种通过单帧自适应 门限 检测和多帧高阶互相关技术来抑制UCN序列的新方法。

  • In this paper base on the associative characteristics of holography complementary encode and threshold detection a content addressable memory optical computing set up was designed .

    本文设计了一种利用全息的关联特性、互补编码和 阈值 判断的内容寻址光查表系统。

  • Range walking correction process together with the use of smoothing treatment and the threshold detection technique based on the normalized extent ( normalized threshold median method ) is adopted in the imaging processing to improve the accuracy of distance measuring .

    在成像处理中加入距离走动矫正过程,并采用平滑处理以及基于幅度归一化的 门限 检测技术(归一化门限中值法)来改善测距精度。

  • A novel method of double threshold detection is presented . The method is not only suitable for detection of small target but also fast to detect strong target .

    文章提出了一种既适用于微弱目标检测,又能快速检测出强目标的 双门 检测方法。

  • For the image sequences with SNR 1.5 ~ 0.5 after adaptive threshold detection in single frame and twice high order cross-correlation the nonzero points left are only 0.03 ~ 14.59 % and the noise rejection rate is 99.97 ~ 85.41 % .

    对单帧信噪比为1.5~0.5的图像序列,经过单帧自适应 门限 检测和两次高阶互相关处理后,剩余非零点数只有0.03~14.59%,噪声抑制率为99.97~85.41%。

  • In this paper the statistical properties of the average adaptive threshold detection with coherent detector are discussed .

    本文分析了相干检波平均值自适应 门限 检测器的统计特性。

  • Determined by simulation to use the adaptive PAPR threshold detection method for determining .

    通过仿真确定了利用峰均比 检测的自适应 门限确定方法。

  • Then the gray image is converted to a binary image by threshold detection .

    然后通过 门限 检测把灰度图像变为二值图像;

  • An analysis of averaging adaptive threshold detection

    平均值自适应 门限 检测方式的分析

  • Design the hardware circuit of floating threshold detection system which is comprised of gap voltage sampling module the floating threshold voltage generation module waveform identification module the floating regulated power supply display and output interface module .

    设计了浮动 阈值间隙放电状态 检测系统的硬件电路,主要包括间隙电压采样模块、浮动阈值电压生成模块、波形辨别模块、浮动稳压电源及显示输出接口模块。

  • The Study of Double Threshold Detection Method in a Laser Radar

    激光雷达的 双门 检测技术研究

  • In this paper from the viewpoint of the two ideals ( ensuring detection rate and false detection rate ) we gave a method for determining the threshold and improved the threshold detection .

    本文从保证检测率和误检率两种理想情况的角度出发,给出了阈值的确定方法,基于此提出了一种改进的 阈值 检测