thought transference

[θɔt trænsˈfɚrəns][θɔ:t ˈtrænsfərəns]


  • Third build a modern system of thought transference tallying with the characteristic and request of epoch and enhance validity of engrafting the ideology of our party ;

    建立起符合时代特点和要求的现代 思想 教育体系,提高党的意识形态灌输的有效性;

  • The Present State and the Considering on Politic Thought Transference for Undergraduate Students under the Market Economy Condition

    市场经济条件下 高校学生 思想政治工作的现状及思考

  • Strengthening Thought Transference and Increasing Efficiency of Solving Chemical Problem

    强化 思维 迁移,提高解题效率