


  • Responses range from recent bestsellers like The Four Hour Workweek to feminist classics such as Games Mother Never Taught You .

    响应范围从最近的畅销书一样四小时 工作 以女性主义经典,如游戏的母亲从来没有教过你。

  • They felt that the increasing use of automation in many aspects of life would eventually lead to further shortening of the workweek .

    他们认为对在生活的许多方面使用自动化的增长最终将导致 工作 周期缩短。

  • If you 're physically ill the night before the start of every workweek take a minute to think about whether it 's because you 're being bullied .

    如果你在 每周 周一前一天晚上感觉身体不舒服;花几分钟考虑一下是否因为受到了职场欺负。

  • One of the great spurs to21st century travel will be not the classical curriculum of an educated è lite but such developments as the introduction in China of the five-day workweek .

    21世纪旅游发展的一大动力将不是因为旅游被纳入了有知识的上层人士所修的传统课程中,而是因为有象中国引进五 工作 这样的发展。

  • Sunday Blues can be difficult to avoid when you know you have a hectic workweek ahead of you but you can avoid wasting all of Sunday anticipating the stresses of the coming week .

    如果你知道接下来 会十分忙碌,那么周末忧郁症真的很难避免,但是你 至少可以做到不要浪费整天的时间来预测接下来一周的压力。

  • Sure just like Tim Ferriss author of The4-Hour Workweek some weeks I only work four hours .

    当然了,像《每周工作4小时》的作者 阿添那样,有时我也会 每周工作4小时;

  • So what about the infamous 35-hour workweek which is the envy of much of the rest of the professional world ?

    哪里只有每周35个 小时 工作 时间,其他的职业世界嫉妒什么呢?

  • Checking Facebook five times a day at six minutes a pop adds up to two and a half hours in a workweek .

    每天浏览Facebook五次,一次六分钟,那在 工作 时间总共 了两个半 小时

  • Calvin Wilson has been returned to a five-day workweek .

    卡尔温-威尔逊已恢复 每周 工作5

  • The most productive day of the workweek is Tuesday .

    最有 工作效率的一天是星期二。

  • You 've made it through yet another tough workweek .

    你又熬过了艰难的一 工作

  • By learning to identify your normal peaks and valleys when it comes to productivity you can make the most of your workweek no matter what schedule you follow .

    通过发现你自己平时 工作中生产力高峰、低谷,那么不论你是按照什么样的工作时间安排,都能充分 到一 工作

  • Some of the leading indicators include : average manufacturing workweek initial claims for unemployment insurance orders for consumer goods and material percentage of companies .

    一些领先指标包括:制造业的平均 工作 ,失业保险的初期索赔,消费者货物和原材料的委托单,公司百分率。

  • Automobile maker Henry Ford was the first major employer in the United States to establish a workweek of 5 days .

    汽车制造商亨利·福特是第一个创立5天 工作 的美国大雇主。

  • Early in its history the company pioneered traditions like a short workweek and a profit-sharing plan for employees .

    在创建初期, 宝洁公司就开创了某些传统,比如缩短 每周 工作 时间,为员工制订利润分享计划等。

  • Be ready to ask for a raise or negotiate a salary for a new job in the workweek that follows .

    准备好要求提升,或者因为 之后新工作谈个薪水。

  • Taking advantage of the five-day workweek he Basked in the spring sunshine with his family a hot spring Bath gives you an experience of super lightness and super enjoyment .

    他和家人一起沐浴在春天的阳光之下,享受五 工作 所带来的乐趣洗温泉浴,感受到的是超级的轻柔和超级的享受。

  • At a minimum all work performed on a public work project in excess of eight hours in any one day or more than five days in any workweek is overtime .

    至少,所有属于公共事业项目的工作,如果是 工作 时间超过了一天八个小时或者是 超过了五天都属于加班的 范畴

  • In the United States Monday is the beginning if the workweek ;

    在美国,星期一是 工作 的开始;

  • Suggest a reduced schedule such as a four-day workweek .

    可以建议减少工作时间,比如一天 工作

  • Some companies are cutting back to a 4-day workweek .

    有些公司将 工作 削减到了 每周工作)4天。

  • Many people would lump France the land of the 35-hour workweek long lunches and even longer vacations with the south .

    很多人误解法国像南部一样,一 工作35小时,午餐时间长,甚至更长的假期。