


  • Tiffany conceptualized herself as a mother whose primary task was to feed her baby .


  • Hey tiffany you want to play hide the nazi one day ?

    嘿, 蒂芬妮,你想一天都弹这 曲子吗?

  • He bought the property next to Tiffany 's on New York 's swanky Fifth Avenue .

    他买下高尚富丽的纽约第五大街上邻近 第凡内的一处房产。

  • Holly Golightly : That 's right . I 'm just CRAZY about Tiffany 's !

    霍莉:是的,我为之疯狂的正是 蒂梵尼

  • TIFFANY : Yes we would like to make things like key chains .


  • Among the winners are Chanel Louis Vuitton Estee Lauder Tiffany and Gucci .

    不过在每个细分市场,这前五家公司并不都相同,其中领跑的五家公司分别是香奈儿、路易威登、雅诗兰黛、 蒂芙尼和古琦。

  • Tiffany : well if I decide to go I 'll just have to hope for the best .

    蒂芬尼:假如我决定游 加勒比海,那就只能希望一切顺利。

  • Tiffany revamped her sitting room with simple decorative tricks .


  • TIFFANY : You have some doubts about our products I understand .


  • Tiffany and Wilbur were off somewhere swapping spits I guess .

    我想, 蒂法妮和威尔伯是上什么地方亲嘴去了。

  • A chick like Tiffany only goes out with jocks !

    象蒂芬尼那样的女孩 只和运动型的男生约会。

  • Tiffany ad for diamonds and a photo of Gucci watches won approval .

    蒂芙尼 Tiffany 的钻石广告和古驰(Gucci)手表的照片赢得了首肯。

  • The diminutive star of Breakfast at Tiffany 's was chosen by beauty and fashion editors make-up artists model agencies and photographers .

    这个影片《 第凡内早餐 中的小角色被美容和时尚编辑、化妆大师、模特经纪人和摄影师们选中。

  • Tiffany : Come on just one more .


  • Something tells me this one 's tiffany .

    直觉告诉我这是 蒂芬妮 名牌

  • Tiffany has an uncanny knack of turning unconventional tales into must-see theatre .


  • I pick up jewellery from everywhere to make my outfits interesting one of these is my gran 's one is Tiffany and I can 't even remember where I bought the other one !

    我拿起来自世界各地的珠宝,使我的衣服变得有趣,其中一个是我一个大的 芬妮和什么在我买了另一个的时候我都不记得!

  • Breakfast at Tiffany 's is published .


  • With some decorations bought at Tiffany 's.

    与数 饰在 丝纱 买了。

  • Most of the Tiffany business is key rings not wedding rings .

    蒂芙尼 最多的生意是钥匙圈,而不是结婚戒指。

  • I 'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like . It 's like Tiffany 's.

    我不知道这个地方在哪里,但是我知道它像什么样子,它就像 蒂凡尼

  • Tiffany : I see . I am looking forward to the big feast !


  • TIFFANY : We have the capital ready .


  • Tiffany : My shoulders are sore too .


  • Bart and Tiffany are shopping downtown .

    巴特和 蒂法尼正在市中心逛街。

  • My mother wanted to name me tiffany .

    我妈妈想给我取名叫 蒂凡尼

  • This led to a court fight which included an attempt by Tiffany to have herself declared an emancipated minor .

    这导致了法庭的斗争,其中包括一个由 蒂凡尼试图在自己宣布解放的未成年人。

  • Jewellery and watch groups such as Richemont Tiffany and Swatch are more reasonably rated on around 14 .

    历峰集团、 蒂芙尼 Tiffany 和斯沃琪 Swatch)等珠宝及腕表企业的预期市盈率更为合理,在14倍左右。

  • For example a Tiffany broach recently sold for about $ 68 .

    举例来说,一 蒂芙尼 Tiffany 胸针最近卖出了约6.8万美元的高价。

  • Tiffany over at Nature Moms last year wrote about some recent research and suggests some alternatives for baby bottles .

    双酚A 蒂芬尼在自然妈妈上发布了一些有关这方面的调查研究并且给正在使用婴儿瓶的人提出一些建议和 警告