thin target

[θɪn ˈtɑrɡɪt][θin ˈtɑ:ɡit]


  • Experimental study of ablation characteristics of Pd thin film target


  • Preparation of Zinc Oxide Nanometer Thin Films by Vertical Target Pulsed-Laser Deposition

    垂直 脉冲激光沉积制备氧化锌纳米 薄膜

  • Simulations using numerically calculated scattering response based on three thin wire target demonstrate that the method proposed in this paper is surprier to the traditional E-pulse .

    基于三种 导线 目标数值计算散射场的仿真实验表明,相比于传统E脉冲能量识别数,本文方法取得了很好的识别效果。

  • Development of Surface Perturbation Target and Thin Silicon Foil Target Used to Research Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiment

    ICF分解实验中的平面调制靶和 薄膜 的研制

  • The determination of trace Li in ZnO Films by using a thin standard target

    薄膜标准 测定ZnO膜中的微量Li

  • The general condition of this well was presented based on the analysis to such problems as thin target zone uncertain geological condition high friction and torque and difficulties for trajectory control .

    介绍了建平1井的概况,分析了 目的、地质情况不确定、摩阻和扭矩大、井眼轨迹不易控制等技术难题。

  • A new method for determining the location and length of a thin cylindrical target with range difference from a multistatic radar system

    一种利用多站雷达距离差信息确定 柱状 目标几何中心及其长度的新方法

  • By means of metallurgical analysis methods macroscopical and microscopical characteristics for thin Si-Mn armour steel target subjected to penetration of real shaped charge jet have been investigated .

    借助于冶金分析方法研究了硅锰装甲钢 破甲弹坑的宏观和微观特征。

  • The preparation of thin Tb target covered with Pb film

    具有Pb衬的Tb 的制备

  • Development of fabrication technology of the CuInGaSe_2 thin film and its sputtering target

    CuInGaSe2太阳能 薄膜及其 靶材制备技术发展与前景

  • A Ti-49.57 % Ni-5.6 % Cu alloy thin film was prepared on silicon chip with mosaic target by DC magnetron sputtering under non-heating condition .

    采用镶嵌 、通过直流磁控溅射法在不加热的情况下于硅基片上制备了Ti-49.57%Ni-5.6%Cu合金 薄膜

  • The collection of whole blood sample and the procedures of thin target preparation for PIXE are also described .

    本文还介绍了供PIXE法用的全血样品的采集及 制备的步骤和方法。

  • Conclusion : In spiral CT simulator scan using overlapping reconstruction with thin slice is advisable in determining gross target volume of tumor .

    结论:在螺旋CT模拟扫描中,采用 薄层的重叠重建在肿瘤 区体积的制定中是切实可行的。

  • Research on surface oxidizing process of Nd thin film target

    Nd 薄膜 表面氧化过程研究

  • Objective The purpose Appraising spiral CT 's convention scanning to combine thin layer of target scanning and arrow form bit to rebuild whether or not the vertical ligament burst the diagnosis value after the dish is protruding to between the lumbar vertebra .

    评价螺旋CT常规扫描结合 薄层 扫描及矢状位重建,对腰椎间盘突出后纵韧带破裂的诊断价值。

  • Experiment Study on tungsten spheres penetrate thin target

    钨球侵彻 的实验研究

  • Experiment result indicate that the substrate temperature have little effect on the PZT thin films surface topography . The crystal size of PZT thin films increase with atmospheric pressure and sputtering power increasing . The crystal size of PZT thin films decrease with distance of target and substrate increasing .

    实验结果表明基片温度对PZT 薄膜的表面形貌影响不大,提高溅射的工作气压和溅射功率能增大薄膜的薄膜晶粒尺寸,增大 基距能减小薄膜的晶粒尺寸。

  • In-situ Preparation and Microwave Surface Resistance of Superconducting YBCO Thin Films by Magnetron Sputtering from Powder Target

    YBCO超导 薄膜的粉末 磁控溅射原位制备及其微波表面电阻

  • Concluson : It is necessary that the data of the chest radiographs and the conventional CT scanning were carefully analysed to demonstrated the target bronchi before the thin - section CT target scanning was performed .

    结论: 薄层CT 扫描前必须仔细阅读正,侧位胸片和常规扫描图像,明确靶支气管。

  • Preparation of self-supporting thin metal target films

    无油自支撑金属 膜的

  • The developments of the surface perturbation target and the thin silicon foil target used to research Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the resolved experiments of Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) are carried out .

    本工作研制了用于惯性约束聚变ICF分解实验模拟聚变 靶丸表面粗糙度和驱动激光空间不均匀性对RT不稳定性作用的平面调制靶和 平面 薄膜靶。

  • In order to overcome the difficulties in preparing thin target a new method of thin target with thick substrate is used .

    在实验中采用了 厚衬底新方法。为克服制靶困难,实验中采用薄靶厚衬底方法。

  • Neutron Source from Thin Foil Target Compressed by Shaped Laser Pulses

    利用整形激光脉冲压缩 薄膜 得到中子源

  • Measurement of K-shell Ionization Cross Sections Caused by Electron Impact Using a Method of Thin Target With Thick Substrate


  • We deposited the ZnO thin film by sputtering the low-cost zinc target the temperature have an effect on the crystal quality of the ZnO film .

    研究溅射金属锌 沉积ZnO 薄膜时,衬底温度对ZnO薄膜质量的影响。

  • Now the Fourier transform is the main method to design the thin film with global description of the target spectrum . But it just can be achieved through approximation calculation for the discrete refraction index structure of multilayer optical film .

    对于 目标谱的全局描述,目前主要采用傅立叶变换法进行设计,但这种方法对于常用的离散折射率 系结构只能通过近似计算实现。

  • Using Charged Particle Activation Analysis ( CPAA ) the concentration of oxygen in a thin boron target was determined and the method of analyzing the thin unknown sample in comparison with the thick standard was studied .

    应用带电粒子活化分析法( CPAA)对硼 薄膜中的氧含量进行了测量,并对利用厚标样分析薄样品中的元素含量的比较测量方法进行了研究。

  • The amount of power that can be dissipated in a thin target is limited .
