thigh bone

[θaɪ bon][θai bəun]

[医] 股骨

  • She broke her thigh bone in the accident .

    事故中她的 大腿 骨折。

  • We all had a few drinks and then Bryn did his usual party piece of balancing a pint of beer on his head . of the cup-shaped socket that receives the head of the thigh bone .

    我们喝了几杯以后,布赖恩像往常一样表演了他的拿手绝活&把一杯啤酒平稳地顶在头顶上。指用来与大 腿骨的顶部连接的、杯状的 关节窝。

  • It runs from your thigh bone through your stomach and up your lower back .

    大腿 经腹部连到下背部。

  • The effect of simulated microgravity on microcirculation in rat thigh bone marrow

    模拟失重对大鼠 股骨 骨髓微循环的影响

  • Researchers hope to dissect the underlying physiology of an economic problem revealing how the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone .

    就像揭露 腿骨是如何与 股骨连接在一块儿的那样,研究者们希望了解一个经济问题潜在的生理机制。

  • Methods : The MSCs were separated and cultured from rabbit thigh bone marrow .

    方法:从兔 骨髓中分离出MSCs,进行体外培养增殖。

  • When he regained consciousness the broken splinters of his thigh bone had been removed the bits of ragged flesh had been cut off and the wound bound up .

    他醒来时, 大腿里的碎 已被取出,炸开的一块肉被切除,伤口也包扎好了。有人往他脸上洒水。

  • Objective To summarize the experience of nursing for elderly femoral neck with fracture surround artificial thigh bone replacement operation .

    目的总结高龄股骨颈骨折人工 骨头置换术围手术期的护理经验。

  • The scientists have focused on a fracture in Tut 's left thigh bone as the most likely cause of death .

    科学家们认为左 大腿 骨折是最有可能的死因。

  • Stephen fractured a thigh bone

    斯蒂芬断了一 股骨

  • Cartilaginous defects were caused on thigh bone articular surfaces of patellofemoral joints of rabbits and autologous bone marrow cells were transplanted to the places with defects .

    在兔 股骨髌股关节面上造成软骨缺损,采用同种异体骨基质海绵吸附自体骨髓细胞移植,分期取材。

  • The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg .

    膝盖是 大腿 和小腿胫的连接处。是人与人之间的 交往,而 不是他们 各自 生活 事件

  • The length weight bone mineral density and calcium content of the right thigh-bone were measured . The maximum load maximum deformation elastic energy absorption maximum stress and elastic modulus of the left thigh - bone were also measured .

    测定右侧股骨长度、重量、股骨骨密度及骨钙含量,左侧 股骨最大载荷、最大挠度、弹性能量吸收、最大应力、弹性模量。

  • The results showed that when the women were walking in high heels there was greater strain between the kneecap and thigh bone than when they walked with bare feet .

    研究结果显示:女性穿着高跟鞋行走时,膝盖骨和 股骨受到的压力会比光脚行走的时候大。

  • Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 18 Cases of Great Age Femur Trochanter Fracture With Artificial Thigh Bone Replacement

    带大、小粗隆人工 骨头置换的高龄股骨粗隆骨折18例临床观察

  • This article mainly studies on the form and content of education on health for patients who received the replacement operation of artificial thigh bone emphasizes on the issue that nursing personnel should afford them education on health systematically and effectively .

    着重探讨了对人工 骨头置换的患者进行健康教育的形式和内容,强调护士应对患者进行系统、有效的健康教育。

  • Bone graft on weight loading area can bear heavy body under stress affect of goats artificial thigh bone . Bad consequence was not appear for suffering force . 2 .

    在山羊人工 骨头的应力作用下, 髋臼负重区移植骨块能够承受住自身重力,未因外力作用出现不良后果。

  • Trial subgroups : an articular cartilage defect was drilled with a drill in the loaded articular cartilage in the thigh bone . The defect was 5 mm × 5 mm in area and 8-10 mm in depth .

    实验组:用1号空心环钻在 股骨内髁负重区关节软骨处造成5mm×5mm大小的 软骨缺损,深度在8~10mm。

  • Then the number of thigh bone marrow nucleated cells fibroblastic colony forming unit ( CFU-F ) and the adhesive function of stromal cells of the bone marrow were assayed on the 10 th day .

    胃饲人参养营汤每次0.5ml, 1d2次,第10d记数 股骨有核细胞数,再观察成纤维细胞集落形成单位(CFU-F),培养基质细胞层的粘附能力。

  • Objective To study the method of the artificial thigh bone permutation perioperatively for advanced age .

    目的探讨高龄人工 骨头置换术围手术期的治疗方法。

  • The tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius turn the thigh bone inward balancing the turning-out force of the gluteus maximus .

    阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌将 大腿 向内,平衡由臀大肌产生的向外的力量。

  • The bullet lodged in the sergeant 's leg shattering his thigh bone

    子弹嵌进了中士的腿里,使其 股骨碎裂。

  • Finally to measure the blood calcium the bone calcium and the density of the thigh bone etc.

    测定一般情况及血钙、骨钙、 股骨密度等指标。

  • The lower part of the body which includes the foot the shin bone ( 15 ) and the thigh bone ( 16 ) clearly shows us that this species was an upright walking creature he said .

    “包括脚,胫骨和 股骨在内的下半身清楚地告诉我们这是直立行走的产物。”他说。

  • The hands are gripping over the ankle joints the lower arms are pressing against the inside of lower leg and thigh bone .

    双脚弯曲,脚掌对脚掌,双手握住踝关节。前臂压住小腿内侧及大大 腿骨

  • Objective : Compare and analyze the clinic effect between the artificial thigh bone replacement and the total hip replacement to cure senile fracture of femoral neck .

    目的:通过对使用人工全髋置换术与人工 骨头置换术治疗的老年股骨颈骨折的患者进行临床观察及术后随访,探讨 适合 65 -75 之间的老年 股骨颈骨折患者的较佳手术方法。

  • METHODS : The models of thigh bone fracture and soft tissues injury were made in rabbits and the animals were treated with the plaster .

    方法:制作家兔 股骨骨折和软组织损伤模型,进行治疗观察。