thin-film solar cell

[电] 薄膜太阳能电池

  • Thin-film solar cell reaches micron order in its thickness and has a wide range of research and application for its small timber and high absorption coefficient .

    薄膜 太阳能 电池是厚度为微米数量级的 太阳能 电池,因其具有用材少,吸收系数高等优点而得到了广泛的研究与应用。

  • The Calculation and Analysis About the Photo-Current of Polycrystalline Thin-Film GaP / CuInS_2 Heterojunction Solar Cell

    多晶 GaP/CuInS2异质结 太阳能 电池的光电流及转换效率的计算与分析

  • Solar low iron glass can be used as both front panel glass of thin-film solar cell and decoration glass for BIPV program .

    太阳能超白玻璃可以作为 薄膜 太阳能 电池的前板玻璃和封装玻璃。

  • The main optimization goal of thin-film solar cell is increasing photoelectric conversion efficiency of the thin film solar .

    提高薄膜太阳能 电池的光电转化效率是 薄膜 太阳能 电池的主要优化目标。

  • Through reasonably controlling the moving velocity the focus location of the beam and the driving current of pumping etc the incised widthes were ultimately less than 40 μ m and met the precision of facture technology of the thin-film solar cell .

    合理地控制激光移动速度、焦点位置和抽运源工作电流等参数,使激光切割缝宽最终小于40μm,满足了 薄膜 太阳 电池制作工艺的要求。

  • Investigation of the mechanism of p-n junction for thin-film cu_2s / cds solar cell

    硫化太阳 电池成结机理的探讨

  • The Design and Calculation of GaP-CuInS_2 / CdS-CuInSe_2 Two Fold Heterojunction Thin-Film Solar Cell

    GaP-CuInS2/CdS-CuInSe2异质二重结 薄膜 太阳 电池的设计与计算

  • Series resistance of selenium thin-film solar cell

    薄膜 太阳 电池串联电阻

  • Experimental Research of Precisely Incising the Electric Film of Thin-film Solar Cell by Laser

    薄膜 太阳 电池导电膜激光精密切割的实验研究