thinning process

[电] 细线化处理

  • In this paper the recognition of intraplate orogeny in North China is considered as a key for understanding the thinning of lithosphere because the thinning process is initiated at the base of the lithosphere and not the craton .

    笔者认为,华北板内造山过程是理解岩石圈巨大减薄机制的关键,因为华北岩石圈是在造山带而不是在克拉通基础上开始 过程的。

  • While in this article only part business is concerned other business needs thinning in running process .

    但本文研究 考核 指标只涉及部分业务,其他业务的 指标 体系需在方案实施 过程 进一步 细化 完善

  • Changing Rules of Components of Cunninghamia lanceolata Thinning Wood in Heat Treating Process

    杉木 间伐材高温热 处理后化学成分的变化

  • Secondly on the result of the image thinning process methods for the image vectoring is under investigated its algorithm are proposed in detail . Freeman chain code is adopted in vector tracing .

    其次,在图像 细化的基础上对图像的矢量化跟踪进行了分析研究,并详细阐述了矢量 跟踪的算法及实现,分析了直线链码的特征,将Freeman链码准则化。

  • The thinning process in North China began at about 120 ~ 110 Ma and is marked by the emplacement of the post-orogenic dike swarms .

    过程主要始于120~110Ma的拆沉 ,其标志是造山后脉岩组合的形成。

  • Thinning binary images is an important process in image analysis .

    两值图象的 细化是图象分析的重要 环节

  • Impact wear severely accelerated the inter-phase corrosion by breaking or thinning the passive film which strongly accelerated the anodic process of the electrochemical corrosion .

    冲击磨料磨损破坏高铬铸铁表面的钝化膜,加速碳化物与 基体的相间腐蚀,极大促进了腐蚀电化学反应的阳极 过程,使动态腐蚀率随着冲击功的 增大增大

  • The results showed that with the adding of amine modifiers the extent of shear-rate thinning of nylon 6 melt decreased . Thereby the spinning process was a relative steady .

    结果表明:在实验的添加量范围内,改性 尼龙6树脂熔体黏度对切变速率的依赖敏感性下降,纺丝 过程可以处于相对稳定的状态;

  • With the progress of the ages and the social division thinning increasingly exams play an essential role in teaching process more obviously than ever .

    随着时代的进步和社会 分工的日益明显,在教育教学 过程中,考试已经成为不可或缺的重要环节。

  • Application of Thinning Process in Double Generalized Compound Poisson Risk Model

    稀疏 过程在双广义复合poisson风险模型中的应用

  • The Joint Distribution of Thinning Process Three-dimensional nonlinear analysis of complete bearing spiral case without cushion

    稀疏 过程的三特征的联合分布函数完全联合承载蜗壳三维非线性分析

  • After entry into 1990s confronted with thinning political context and strengthening commercial context army novels undergo a process of adjustment and transformation and meets with the new characteristics and new vision .

    进入九十年代以后,军旅小说在政治语境 淡化和商业语境强化的双重 夹击下,经历了一个调整和转变的 过程,出现了新的特点和新的景象。

  • Image processing technology is used to carry out recognition and judgment of the growing stages of vegetable seedlings in order to necessary information for transplanting and thinning out young shoots in the planting process of vegetable .

    应用图象处理技术对蔬菜苗的生长阶段进行分析与判断,为蔬菜栽培中的移栽、 间苗作业提供必要的信息。

  • This article analyzes the thinning reason of pressure vessel shell after processed the process procedure and process error 's affection on shell 's thinning and presents specific measure to control the shell 's thinning amount and compensate the thinning .

    本文分析了压力容器壳体加工 的原因,以及 加工 工艺、加工误差对壳体减薄的影响,提出了控制壳体厚度减薄量及减薄补偿的具体措施。

  • The General Model in the Self - thinning Process of Plants

    关于植物自 过程的一般模型

  • These methodes include ultra-low energy ion implantation thinning the junction by means of oxidizing and etching rapid thermal annealing and some novel methodes for monitoring thinning process .

    这些方法包括:超低能离子注入,由氧化和腐蚀构成的结区 工艺,快速热退火和一些对 工艺进行监测的新方法。

  • Application of Thinning Process in One Kind of Multi-type Risk Model

    稀疏 过程在一类带干扰多险种风险模型中应用

  • The thinning process was modeled like the Traveling Salesman Problem ( TSP ) before applying the ACO to find the thinnest ridge according to some rules set and the process of modifying / removing the unwanted pixels information was conducted in parallel .

    细化 过程建模类似于旅行商问题(TSP),在应用ACO找到最细的边缘前,根据某些规则集,并行的更改或移除不需要的像素信息。

  • In this paper state of stress and deformation nature of thinning flanging process are analysed . The Slab Method for calculation of Flanging Load is introduced .

    翻边 工艺受力情况和变形性质进行了分析,介绍了一种 翻边力的主应力计算方法。

  • The Risk Model about that Claims Is Thinning Process

    索赔为 稀疏 过程的风险模型

  • The Applications of Thinning Process in Risk Problem

    稀疏 过程在破产问题中的应用

  • In this paper MATLAB is used to process the Moire image obtained from experiment such as image ′ s shearing noise processing binary image and thinning process finally the central line of Moire is extracted .

    本文利用MATLAB对实验得到的云纹图像进行处理,如图像的剪切、噪声处理、二值化以及 细化 处理等,最终提取云纹的中心线。

  • In the thinning an improved thinning algorithm is proposed here in order to overcome the shortages of the existing thinning algorithms a new templates can significantly reduce the scanning iterations and speed up the thinning process while keeping the same thinning results .

    在细化方面,对已有的经典细化算法进行了改进,采用新的 细化模板,在保证细化结果不变的同时大大减少了细化的迭代次数,减少了 运算时间。

  • The pre-processing for metallographic image is necessary to judge A-parameter accurately . The analysis for using image shadow remedy enhancement segmentation the regions of interest extraction grain boundary thinning and reconstructing and image fusion to process the original metallographic images was carried out .

    对原始金相数字图像进行适当的预处理是精确测定A参数的保证,本文对金相图像的校正、图像增强、图像分割、 局部区域提取、晶界重建 细化、图像融合等预 处理技术进行了分析。

  • The method is as follows : ( 1 ) The feature points and relation matrix of the Chinese characters were extracted without thinning process .

    具体方法如下:(1)将 手写汉字 正规 除去 噪音,抽出 方向 线段提取特征点的 座标接续关系矩阵。

  • Thinning is a process which produces the skeleton of an object while its topological structure is preserved ; it is the important step of medical image analysis .

    细化是在保持图像形态特征的同时生成一条物体骨架线的 过程,是医学图像分析中的一个重要步骤。

  • Since the idea was first developed twenty years ago thinning has become an important process in pattern recognition .

    20年前,自从这种方法第一次被提出, 细化就成了模式识别领域中重要的 处理 步骤之一。