think out

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  • So this is a very rough attempt to think out loud .

    这是边 边说的粗略尝试。

  • He knew I was discovering something and he did not want to interfere with me . He let me think it out .

    他知道我发现了什么东西,他不想打搅我,他让我自己 思考

  • We must think out a plan . He hammered out a scheme .

    我们得 想出一个办法。他想出了一个方案。

  • In order to fit the shapes shown on the board you need to press the shape buttons and think out a strategy to move the correct shapes to the required location .

    就方块上显示的图案位置 想出对策,按下四边的图案发射器以发射出合适之图案至方块上要求的位置!

  • I sat down beside him trying to think out the problem .

    我在他身旁坐下,准备好好 考虑 一下那个问题。

  • They have to think out various and odd ways to make living .

    新移民在谋生不易的情况下, 想出各种奇招,以求安身立命。

  • Think out of the box you might discover something new .

    突破 思维定式,你或许会发现一些新的东西。

  • A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out ;

    一本好书就像一个最好的神龛,珍藏着一个人生命中 思想最精华的部分。

  • We 've got to think out a way to explain it .

    我们得 想出一个解释问题的办法。

  • Perhaps it may not follow traditional way in Quality Management however if it could have better improvement and cost saving why we can 't think out of the box ?

    或许它为什么不可以不能跟随在质量管理的传统方式,然而,如果它可能有更好的改善和节省成本,我们 认为在箱子 外面

  • I think out of everyone we 've seen today .


  • We must think everything out carefully .

    我们必须仔细把一切 清楚

  • The book is detailed and well thought out

    这本书内容详细,考虑 全面

  • Pity mm said very tired no think out go .

    可惜美眉说很累不 出去

  • Lay your heads together and see if you can think out a scheme .

    你们碰头看看能否 想出个计划。

  • It may help to borrow brains from the experience when you can 't think out of the box .

    当你无法 跳出框框去想问题的时候,不妨向有经验的人士借借脑,也许会有帮助。

  • If possible organize the material as meaningfully as you can and think out relationships among each group .

    如果有可能, 材料分成有意义并且互相之间有关系的几个组。

  • I was young and ill-educated and I had had to think out my problems in the utter silence that is imposed on every Englishman in the East .

    我当时很年轻,没有受过什么教育,我不得不独自默默地 思索 这些问题,在东方的英国人都承受着这种沉默。

  • I am a thinker but not one to think out loud .

    我是一个思想家,但不是一个 大声

  • We need to think out of the box and be curious and be willing to take risks .

    我们需要 跳出盒子 问题,有好奇心,并愿意承担风险。

  • Think out and prepare your schedule each week and do not become a slave to an inflexible pattern .

    想一 ,制定每周的计划,不要变成一成不变的模式的奴隶。

  • But I didn 't feel intimidated by students who spoke faster than I did because I took all the time I needed to think out my ideas and wrote a reply before posting it on the screen .

    不过,我对此并不感到害怕学生发言的速度比我,因为我采取了一切的时候,我需要 考虑我的意见,并写了一答复张贴之前,它在屏幕上。

  • Q : what kind of changes do you think working out has wrought in you ?

    问:你 认为运动带给 你什么样的变化?

  • All this prompted us to think out various ways to overcome the difficulties .

    这一切都促使我们 想出各种办法来克服困难。

  • I need time alone to think things out

    我需要独自一个人好好 想想

  • Intellectually we agree about the absurdity of communal contention but very few of us care to sit down and think out the whole issue and discover the contributory causes .

    在认识上,我们同意地方矛盾是很荒谬的,但是极少人愿意坐下来, 思想整个问题,发现造成问题的原因。

  • Think out how much you save on bus fare .

    这样你多 省事呀。

  • Through the modern we first of all may analyze the total travelling income of Nanking and then according to the analysis we think out some ways of increasing the travelling income .

    本文首先 扼要地从南京整体的旅游收入方面利用模型 进行分析,探讨增加旅游收入的途径方法;