third of exchange

[θə:d ʌv ɪksˈtʃendʒ][θɜ:d ɔv iksˈtʃeindʒ]

[经] 第三联汇票

  • The third part analyses the content and user behavior motivation of knowledge exchange and dissemination in micro-blog community through the site investigation .

    部分通过网站调研对微博社区知识 交流与传播的内容和用户动机进行了分析。

  • In his third installment of this column Graham examines the behavior of SOAP 's exchange of messages on-the-wire and explains how it works .

    在这个专栏的 3部分中,Graham详细介绍了SOAP在线上 交换信息的行为并解释了它是怎样工作的。

  • The Third Part Role of Our Property Rights Exchange Mechanism

    我国产权 交易机构的 方角色

  • The third part To how perfect administrative litigation evidence of our country exchange set up intact administrative litigation evidence exchange the content at first mainly ;

    部分主要是对如何完善我国的行政诉讼证据 交换,首先是建立完整的行政诉讼证据交换内容;

  • The deals sprang from the third bilateral encounter between leaders of Germany and China since the countries forged a government-level exchange program in 2011 .

    双方在会晤期间签订了上述协议,这是两国自2011年开展政府级别 交流计划以来,中德领导人 举行双边会谈。

  • The third from 1994 to present realization of single managed floating exchange rate system whose base is market supply and demand . ⅱ .

    阶段是1994年至今,实现了汇率并轨,实行以市场供求为基础、单一的、有管理的浮动 汇率制。

  • Third domestic and international cultural exchange mechanism which is a manifestation of cultural exchange values of the Party .

    国内国际文化交流机制,这是新时期党的文化 交流价值观的体现。

  • Third a large number of foreign exchange are U.S.assets from the long term the Dollar is devalued which it will increase the risk of foreign currency assets shrinking .

    是大量 外汇中主要又是美元资产,从长期看,美元处于贬值,扩大了外汇资产缩水的风险。

  • The third part analyzes the running state of current domestic monetary policy and exchange rate policy pointing out the deficiency of exchange rate policy in operation and the orientation of monetary policy .

    部分对当前我国的货币政策与 汇率政策状况进行了分析,指出了我国货币政策取向及现行汇率政策存在的缺陷。

  • The third chapter analyzes the relationship between the relative supply of money expected investment returns and exchange rate fluctuations then establish a theoretical framework which affecting RMB exchange rate fluctuation .

    章分析货币相对供给、预期投资收益率与 汇率波动三者间的关系,建立人民币汇率影响因素的理论框架。

  • The third chapter analyzes impacts of fluctuation of the exchange rate on the structure of our export commodities .

    章, 汇率变动对我国出口商品结构的影响。

  • The third big sovereign buyer is the State Administration of foreign exchange ( SAFE ) which operates under the central bank and owns small stakes in oil majors BP and total of France .

    个大型主权买家是国家外汇管理局(stateadministration offoreign exchange),该机构在央行的指导下开展业务,持有石油巨头英国石油(bp)和法国道达尔(total)的少量股权。

  • The third part : reviews different periods of the RMB exchange rate system and the reform of the exchange rate reform process analysis the impact on the exchange rate risk of commercial bank in china .

    部分回顾我国不同时期的人民币 汇率制度及汇率制度改革进程,分析汇改后我国商业银行面临的汇率风险。

  • About a third of Zijin is publicly listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of about $ 499 million .

    紫金大约 之一的股份在香港证券 交易所公开上市,市值约为4.99亿美元。

  • We realize the fair exchange of above electronic bills by introducing an offline trusted third party . In this way we can greatly reduce the complexity of exchange platform .

    本文利用离线可信任 方的方式实现了上述电子单据的公平 交换

  • At the third level through the influence of the changes of interest rate and exchange rate and other information on the price of the general financial assets the author tried to analyze the transferable system of price at different levels and the formation of equilibrium .

    层次是利率和 汇率及其它信息变化对一般性金融资产价格的影响,试图分析各层价格的传导原理及均衡关系的形成。

  • The third part makes reference to the experience of domestic foreign exchange risk management and customizes a series of hedging financial planning according to the situation of CHINA COSCO to deal with exchange rate fluctuations .

    部分学习参考了国内有关 外汇率风险管理的经验,结合案例公司的实际情况量身定制了一系列应对汇率波动的避险财务筹划。

  • The second chapter and the third chapter belong to theoretical analysis separately elaborating the moderate scale theory of foreign exchange reserve and the currency structure choice .

    第二章和第 章为理论分析部分,分别论述 外汇储备适度规模理论和货币结构选择理论。

  • And the New Third Board in the Agency Share Transfer System of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange is exactly the typical model of the OTC market of China .

    深证证券 交易所代办股份转让系统中新 三板企业正是OTC主体市场的典型代表。

  • The third is how to reconstruct the exchange rate system if it exists the misalignment of real exchange rate and real equilibrium exchange rate .

    ,一旦实际 汇率与实际均衡汇率错配,将如何进行制度重构与政策修正。

  • Superiority of Third Layer Exchange Technology of Exchange Machine

    交换机 层交换技术的优势

  • Indeed on Tuesday last week the third day of trading the value of stock index futures traded on the China Financial Futures Exchange exceeded the value of stocks traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

    事实上,上周二,也就是交易启动后的 天,中国金融期货 交易所(cffe)的股指期货成交量已经超过了上海证交所(sse)的股票成交量。

  • Chapter third analyzing and revealing conflict of regulation to stock exchange .

    部分:我国证券 交易所公司化后的监管冲突的制度分析与启示。

  • It is easy to see three objections to this attack : first it is untrue ; second exchange rate adjustment is necessary ; and third this is a good description of Chinese exchange rate policy instead .

    人们很容易看到反驳这种论点的三个理由:第一,这不符合事实;第二,汇率调整是必要的; ,这其实是 中国 汇率政策的良好描述。

  • The third part discussed the direct influence of FDI upon the exchange rate of Renminbi .

    这将使得我国的经常账户目前承受较大压力,而且也使国际收支平衡在未来面临风险。 部分论述了外商直接投资对人民币 汇率的影响。

  • In the third chapter it gives experience analysis on scale management and structure management of our foreign exchange reserves .

    部分为我国 外汇储备规模与结构管理问题实证分析。

  • Third this paper takes the cointegration analysis between the industry sector index of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Composite Index .

    ,对 沪市行业板块指数与上证指数分别进行了协整分析。