


  • The standpoint that in the anatase TiO 2 there was thimbleful rutile TiO 2 which could bring the cooperation photocatalysis of degradation and improve its photocatalytic activity was first put forward .

    首次提出在锐钛矿型TiO2 基质中,存在 少量的金红石型TiO2可产生协同光催化降解作用,有利于光催化活性的提高。

  • You don 't catch me tasting rum so much ; but just a thimbleful for luck of course the first chance I have .

    你可别引诱我喝太多的 姆酒,不过可以为了祝好运而喝那么一 点点,当然,要是有机会的话。

  • He has just a thimbleful of insight into human behavior .

    他对人们的行为只有一 点点 见识

  • The number of un-repaired DNA damages is thimbleful but these un-repaired damages maybe produce very important influence on organism .

    生物体内未被修复的DNA损伤是 少量的,但就是这些 少量未被修复的DNA损伤却可能对机体产生非常重大的影响。