think about

[θɪŋk əˈbaʊt][θiŋk əˈbaut]


  • I told him I would think about it and asked for his telephone number . He didn 't fall for that one .

    我告诉他我会 考虑,然后跟他要电话号码。他并没有上当。

  • Don 't just immediately give up but think about ways round a problem

    不要马上放弃,应该 想想解决问题的办法。

  • I tried to think about all the problems that were ahead of me tomorrow

    我试图 考虑明天我将面临的所有问题。

  • You need to take a back seat and think about both past and future

    你得退居二线, 过去和将来都捋 清楚

  • I didn 't think about the danger at the time . Afterwards I was shaking like a leaf .

    我那时候没 想到有危险,事后我吓得直发抖。

  • When you think about it he 's probably right .

    现在 想想 ,他很可能是对的。

  • I had little time to think about what the future held for me .

    我几乎没有时间 思考未来会怎样。

  • You may find you 've got so many things to think about that it 's difficult to switch off .

    你会发觉需要 考虑的事情太多了, 操心都难。

  • He had lots of time to think about the future and it didn 't look good

    他有很多时间 考虑将来,但情况似乎并不乐观。

  • She doesn 't stop to think about what she 's saying

    她都没有停下来想一 自己在说些什么。

  • You don 't have to think about me and Hugh .

    你不必 挂念我和休。

  • You 've got enough to think about for the moment .

    目前你要 考虑 事情够多了。

  • It is important to think about how these institutions might be reconstructed in our own societies .

    重要的是,要 想想在我们自己的社会里如何 这些机构进行改造。

  • Think about it very carefully before you decide .

    仔细 考虑 一下再作决定。

  • There were always things to think about when she went walking .

    她去散步的时候总是有一些事情要 考虑

  • ' I didn 't even think about her ' he said heavily .

    “我甚至没有 想过她,”他沉重地说道。

  • Ask around to see what others living in your area think about their doctors .

    打听一下你那片的居民 他们的医生都有什么 看法

  • I have not worried so much this year partly because I have had other things to think about

    今年我不太担心,在某种程度上是因为我有别的事情要 考虑

  • Don 't often think about the matter .

    别总 那件事!

  • I often think about those less fortunate than me

    我经常 想到那些没我这么幸运的人。

  • I told him I 'd have to think about that one .

    我告诉他那个问题我必须 考虑 一下

  • Don 't be in a hurry to say what you think about this . First find out the facts .

    这件事你先去调查 一下,不忙表态。

  • I tried not to think about it . I blacked it out .

    我尽量不去 它,竭力要将它忘掉。

  • I think we need to go away and think about this .

    我认为我们有必要走开一下去 考虑

  • It is surprising how many people start sounding off about something without really deciding what they think about it .

    居然有那么多人还没有真正确定自己的 想法 开始大发议论——这真是令人吃惊。

  • Give me a few hours to think about it

    给我几个小时 考虑 一下

  • The banks are being told to think about small businesses a little more . And about time too .

    银行被告知要更多地为小企业 考虑 一下。的确是时候该这样做了。

  • I do think about having children maybe when I 'm 40

    我的确在 考虑 孩子的问题,也许等到我40岁吧。

  • I 'll start to think about it when I have to write my report .

    我要写报告时会 对此予以 考虑的。

  • I 'll have a think about that

    我会 考虑 考虑的。