think over

[θɪŋk ˈovɚ][θiŋk ˈəuvə]


  • Think over and you 'll find out that you are wrong .

    仔细 想想,你就会发现你错了。

  • Space and time is the model that we think over not the condition that we live on .

    空间和时间是我们赖以进行 思考的模式, 不是我们赖以生存的条件。

  • I 'd better think over what he said .

    我最好 仔细 考虑他说过的话。

  • She said she needs time to think it over

    她说,她需要时间 好好想一

  • Let 's think over the matter first .

    首先, 这件事 仔细 考虑

  • I should like to think over the matter a little .

    这件事情稍稍 考虑 一下

  • If you think over you 'll have a good idea .

    如果你 仔细 想想,你会有好主意的。

  • Think over and over WHY Then you will find the real reason .

    反复 考虑为什么,你就会找到问题真正的原因;

  • But this time my dear niece before your make the decision please think over what I said .

    但是这一次我亲爱的侄女,在你做决定以前请 仔细 考虑我所说的。

  • Let 's think over his proposal before we see him again .

    让我们 仔细 考虑他的建议后再和他见面。

  • Give time to contemplate . Sometimes you just have to think over what is eating you up .

    有时,你还真的要 仔细 考虑到底是什么让你烦恼不安。

  • How often do you struggle to think over complex problems at work ?

    4.你是否难以认真 思考工作中的复杂问题?

  • I think over my purchases see if I 've got the money think about whether it 's a need or a want .


  • Time just grants an opportunity for us to think over it .

    但我 认为时间不过是给 我们 思考的机会而已。

  • Kissinger asked Nixon for a week to think over it .

    基辛格要求尼克松给他一个星期的时间 考虑

  • I 'll think over your suggestion and discuss it with my sales department .

    我会 考虑你的建议,并且月销售部讨论一下。

  • Finally we think over and discuss how to accelerate the course .

    并就加快我国节能减排的进程进行了 思考和探讨。

  • Think over what to do about it .

    寻思 寻思这事该怎么办。

  • You should think over what may happen before you begin .

    在你开始之前,应该 反复 思考可能会发生的事情。

  • Do you think over praise is like lying ?

    认为 过分夸奖像不像撒谎?

  • I must think over this . I have known for years that it was in the cards .

    我得 仔细 考虑 考虑,许多年来,我就知道这是可能的。

  • Think over the matter and then make a decision .

    这件事情 斟酌 斟酌再定。

  • Migoko took long time to think over it .

    美代子花了长时间 考虑这件事。

  • Let 's think over the problem to see who can work it out first .

    我们 认真 考虑 一下这个问题,看谁能第一个解答出来。

  • You should think over before you decide to purchase the goods in batches .

    在你决定成批购买这些货物之前,你应该 三思而行

  • Soif you 'll justiet us think over this with some time .

    如果你们让我们 考虑一段时间。

  • I suggest you think over your position very carefully .

    我建议你认真 考虑 一下你的处境。

  • I think over the entire issue .

    我又 仔细 考虑 一下整件事。