


  • Analysis of the northward thin-skinned nappe structure in the southern margin of North China landmass and the textures of the structural belt in northern Qinling suggests that they all belong to the results from Caledonian orogeny .

    通过对华北地块南缘向北的 薄皮推覆构造及北秦岭构造带结构、构造特征分析,认为它们同属于加里东期造山作用产物。

  • Salt-mud bed accumulation and upwelling and thin-skinned detachment led to gravitational gliding .

    重力滑动作用表现为触发盐-泥层的聚集&隆升和引起 薄皮滑脱作用。

  • Be careful she is rather thin-skinned .

    当心点,她 容易 生气

  • In the test of thin-skinned melon grafting Shengzhenl and Shijixing showed to be the best rootstocks .


  • In my eyes they 're all sort of thin-skinned .

    我看这些人都有点 神经过敏

  • The trouble with Harry is that he is so thin-skinned .

    他说:哈里的问题是他太 敏感脸皮

  • Be careful what you say & she 's rather thin-skinned .


  • I think I am too thin-skinned to accept others'advise easily .


  • Karayulgun dextral strike-slip fault which is a thin-skinned structure adjusted the deformation difference located at frontal range of Quele area .

    喀拉玉尔滚右旋走滑断层为 薄皮构造,调节了却勒地区东、西段前缘的变形差异。

  • By the action of exogenetic force the thin-skinned structure was subjected to denudation to varying degree appearing as different folded forms .

    在外营力的剥蚀与 破坏 影响下, 薄皮构造受到程度不同的剥蚀 破坏而呈现出不同的褶曲形态。

  • You can never be too careful in your choice of words in front of those thin-skinned fellows

    在那些 神经过敏的人面前,你讲话得小心再小心

  • My opinion of structural pattern of thin-skinned structure in East Sichuan

    川东 薄皮构造模式之我见

  • After the must and to wake up is good and then press into a thin-skinned hands layer upon layer involved in the meat until the thin as paper .

    要和好之后要“醒”好,然后用手按成 薄皮,层层卷入肉馅,直到 薄如纸。

  • Thrust tectonics in this area are characterized by the combination of basement-involved thick-skinned structures and only cover sequence-involved thin-skinned structures with top-to-the-northwest thrusting during 140 ~ 130Ma .

    逆冲构造具有基底卷入的厚皮构造与盖层内部的 薄皮构造共存的构造属性,上盘运动方向总体指向NW,逆冲构造变形主要发生在140~130Ma。

  • The main A-type subduction fault and large scale thin-skinned tectonics clearly reveal that the Yangtze Plate subsides towards Dabie orogenic belt .

    边界大别南缘主俯冲 边界断层的存在以及扬子板块 前陆 盆地 大型 薄皮构造,揭示扬子板块向大别造山带之下的A型俯冲。

  • If you are too thin-skinned to survive this hazard you should not become an account executive in an advertising agency .

    假如你是个 脸皮 、无法在险 中生存的人,就不要在广告公司 担任 业务人员。

  • According to the theory of stress analysis the intensity design of the thin-skinned internal pressure cylinder is analyzed in this article .

    运用应力分析理论进行了内压薄壁 圆筒的强度设计。

  • Northward thin-skinned nappe structure in the southern margin of North China landmass and Caledonian orogeny in northern Qinling

    华北陆块北缘西段 狼山 - 泰山 西延的地质依据及其意义华北地块南缘向北的 薄皮推覆构造及北秦岭加里东造山作用

  • Role of basement involvement and the contractional reactivation ( inversion ) of preexisting extensional faults in many thrust belts the coupling between basement involved deformation and the sediment cover thin-skinned deformation ;

    褶皱冲断带中的基底卷入构造与先存张性断层挤压复活(反转)的影响,基底卷入变形与盖 薄皮 滑脱变形的耦合作用;

  • In addition the thin-skinned nuts in2002 was awarded the title of Chinese famous fruit chestnut a nuclear-free Heizao persimmon and so on are also high quality .

    此外, 薄皮核桃2002年荣获中国名优果品称号,板栗、无核黑枣、柿子等也都具有上乘品质。

  • The thin-skinned tectonics in the northern fringe of Anhui Lower Yangtse region has typical surficial structures .

    安徽下扬子区北缘 薄皮构造之表层构造丰富、典型;

  • Pinot 's a very thin-skinned grape .

    皮诺是一种 果皮非常 的葡萄。

  • Some fear he is too thin-skinned to survive the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign .

    有人担心他 脸皮 ,经受不住总统选举的激烈竞争。

  • She is too thin-skinned to be an account executive in an advertising agency .

    脸皮 ,不适合在广告公司 担任 业务人员。