thin-film resistor


  • High Frequency Structure Simulator ( HFSS ) is used to show that the microstrip branch resonator incorporated with this thin-film resistor loaded not only can be frequency adjustable but also can be attenuation adjustable and quality factor adjustable .

    利用HFSS分析可以看到 电阻加载的枝节 谐振器不仅频率可调,而且衰减可调、品质因数可调。

  • Products include microwave attenuation film microwave power divider thin-film substrates precise resistor network ( Chip ) .

    微波衰减片、微波功分器、 薄膜基板、精密 电阻网络(芯片式)。

  • The results show that this method of using thin-film resistor loaded branch resonator is quite suitable to broad-band microstrip equalizer .

    结果表明这种加载 电阻 谐振器结构很适合宽带微带均衡器设计。

  • Traditional integrated 12-bit digital-to-analog converters require the use of precise thin-film resistor networks and laser trimming of the resistors .

    传统的集成12位D/A转换器要求用精密的 薄膜 电阻网络和电阻的激光修调技术。

  • BST Thin-film Resistor : Effect of Annealing Under Oxygen on Thermosensitive Characteristics

    氧气氛退火对BST 薄膜 电阻热敏特性的影响

  • This paper provides a thin-film resistor loaded microstrip ring resonator for the sub-structure of equalizer .

    文章提出了一种 薄膜 电阻加载的微带环形谐振器均衡器子结构。

  • By loading a thin-film resistor in the spiral resonator an adjustable quality factor of the resonator is achieved .

    通过在螺旋形谐振器中 引入 电阻加载,使得该电路能够进行品质因数调节。

  • Another common type of resistor is the thin-film resistor .

    另一种常见电阻是 薄膜 电阻

  • Temperature control system based on noise modulation for thin-film resistor heater

    基于噪声调制的 薄膜 电阻加热温度控制系统