third market

[θə:d ˈmɑrkɪt][θɜ:d ˈmɑ:kit]


  • However since the 1980s international cosmetic giants have gradually occupied the Chinese daily product market capturing the whole market share top grade of cosmetic products through high-price policy and pervading the second and third market by buying companies and building joint ventures .

    然而自上个世纪八十年代以来,国际化妆品巨头逐步抢滩中国日化市场,并以高价策略几乎占据了高端化妆品的全部市场份额,并通过收购、合资等方式逐步渗透到二、 市场

  • As a school of western Marxism world system theory assimilates and makes an eclectic use of Marx 's theory of capital accumulation and surplus value Rosa Luxemburg 's theory of the third market Lenin and Bukharin 's theory of imperialism ;

    世界体系理论作为西方马克思主义的流派之一,它吸收并折衷了马克思的资本积累和剩余价值理论、罗莎?卢森堡的 市场理论、列宁和布哈林的帝国主义理论。

  • Both China and ASEAN are the countries of rich natural resources and labors with the basically same developing steps which decides that there is competition of agricultural products ' export to the third market in the both countries .

    中国与东盟均属于资源和劳动密集型出口导向的国家,目前基本处在相同的发展阶段,双方农产品出口在第 市场必然存在着竞争。

  • The Development of the Third Market under New Situation

    论新形势下我国 三板 市场的发展

  • In addition the business communities of our two countries can join hands in developing the third market .

    况且,两国企业还可以联手开拓第 市场

  • And then this paper researches polices for promoting the development of the third market analyzes opportunities and challenges the policies bring .

    再接着,对我国最近 推出的两项促进 三板 市场发展的政策进行了深层 的解读,剖析了这两项政策将为三板 市场 发展带来的机遇和挑战。

  • According to the statistic of China Customs USA is the third market for the export of Chinese agricultural products . The trade quantity between China and USA is increasing year by year and the structure of trade presents diversification as well .

    根据中国海关的统计,美国是中国农产品出口的 市场,中美农产品贸易进出口量逐年增加,贸易结构呈现多样化。

  • The current status of trade barriers between the member countries the tariff elimination process the trade relationship features the production cost the trade structure and the third market difference are the principal factors influencing the trade effect in different ways .

    成员国间贸易壁垒的现状和减让进程、贸易关系的特征、生产成本和贸易结构与第 市场差异都是影响贸易效应发挥的主要因素,各个要素对贸易效应将产生不同影响。

  • So the promoting the development of the third market has profound meaning for our capital market .

    因此,大力推动 三板 市场的发展,对我国多层次资本市场建设有着深远的意义。

  • This paper mainly includes four major areas to achieve the research purpose : First I will outline the theory of the new third market in China and its development and to define the scope of its laws .

    为实现该研究目的,本文主要从四大方面进行研究:首先,对我国 三板 市场的产生及其发展进行概括说明,并界定其法律范畴。

  • The third market healthy and orderly development of the capital market to promote the orderly development plays an irreplaceable role .

    三板 市场的健康有序发展,对促进整个资本市场的有序发展都起着不可替代的作用。

  • Then through analyzing the basic key elements of the third market this paper mines sources of the existing problems in operating mechanism ; including market players trade mechanism and supervision system .

    然后,通过深入地对 三板 市场 运行的基本要素进行分析,把三板 市场现存的问题的在 市场运行机制中的根源,包括市场主体、交易机制以及监管体制等方面,挖掘出来。

  • The growing made in China and the mature and reliable made in Germany products are a perfect match and we can join hands to explore the third market .

    正在成长的中国制造与成熟可靠的德国制造有机结合,完全可以实现珠联璧合,还可以携手开拓第 市场

  • The promulgation of these policies takes new opportunity and challenges for the third market .

    这些新政策的推出,为 三板 市场带了新的发展机遇,也带来了挑战。

  • Although under the influence of many factors from the economic crisis the orderly share-trading reform and the launching of formal operation for the third market has provided the favorable opportunity .

    尽管在经济危机影响下存在许多不利因素,但是股权分置改革的有序进行和创业板的正式运行为 三板 市场的推出提供了有利的契机。

  • Moreover the empirical analysis of the competitiveness between China and Vietnam on the third market is included through their calculation of export similarity index individually .

    再次,用出口相似性指数,从市场角度对中国与越南在第 市场的贸易竞争状况进行了实证分析。

  • This above provide academic base for following suggested policies to development of the third market .

    为后文提出如何发展 三板 市场的政策建议提供了可靠的理论依据。

  • Constructing the third market in Jiangxi province can not only solve the financing problems in the central part but also provide a new investment platform for the investors even more promote the development of regional economy and perfect the construction of in the multi-level capital market .

    江西 三板 市场的构建不但能解决中部部分中小企业融资难的问题而且也为广大投资者提供一个新的投资场所,为促进中部区域经济的发展和完善我国的多层次资本市场建设做出贡献。

  • From the angles of merchandise-field and market-field the paper estimates the export similarity index of China and ASEAN countries on the third market ( or world market ) outside China - ASEAN Free Trade Area .

    本文从商品域和市场域两个纬度测算了中国与东盟在自由贸易区之外的 市场(或世界市场)上的出口相似度指数。

  • This paper focus on the research on the development of the third market .

    本文着眼于在此新 形势三板 市场该如何发展的研究。

  • Meanwhile the new third market can provide a shares trading place for the delisting company from the main board and the growth enterprise board .

    同时,对于从主板、创业板退市的公司,新 三板 市场可以提供一个股份转让交易的场所。

  • The OTCBB is commonly called the third market which is the extension of the growth enterprise market .

    通常把OTCBB市场称为 三板 市场,因此,三板市场是二板市场的延伸。

  • The third market : Oceania ;

    客源 市场:大洋洲;

  • The out-exchange market includes the OTC market and the third market .

    场外交易市场包括柜台交易市场、第 市场

  • We investigate the effects of the importing country 's tariff cuts on the environmental pollicies of two competing exporting countries in a third market model .

    摘要本文以一个两国 模型探讨当进口国降低关税时,对出口国环境政策之影响。

  • The objective of study is design a trade mechanism to improve market Third Market efficiency .

    研究的目标是设计一套适合 三板市场特点的交易机制,以提高 三板 市场的运行效率。

  • Party A could be enterprise government or corporation organ whose service can offer to local market Amphitryon country market or third market .

    发包方可以是企业,或是政府和社团机构等,其服务可以提供给本国市场、东道国市场或 市场

  • Research shows that : the direct competition threat between the Latin American countries and China in the third market ( mainly is the American market ) is very small .

    研究表明:拉丁美洲国家和中国在第 市场(主要是美国市场)上的直接竞争威胁很小,这主要是由于二者的贸易结构互补性很高。

  • The new third market can not only provide a platform which can satisfy the need of transferring share and listing financing for the enterprise but also supply training services and perfect corporate governance structure and strengthen the information disclosure system .

    三板 市场既能为无法在主板、创业板上市的中小企业提供股份转让、增发融资的平台,又能为中小企业提供辅导培育服务,促进其优化公司治理结构、完善信息披露制度。

  • Analysis of the Necessity of the Third Market and Orientation of Its Development in the Economic Crisis

    浅析经济危机中 创建 三板 市场的必要性及其发展方向