thin-film material


  • Absorption coefficient of thin-film material affection optical coating wideband monitoring technology


  • Paper is a specially processed by the extremely thin small fibers intertwined with each other firmly by the formation of thin-fiber thin-film material .

    纸张是一种经过专门加工后,由极为纤细的小纤维相互牢牢交织起来的纤维薄层所形成的 薄膜 物质

  • The relationship between optical properties of thin-film filter and the main physical parameters of the film such as material properties and structural characterisitics is discussed .

    研究了薄膜主要物理参数如:膜 性能、 薄膜基础结构特征等与滤光 薄膜系统的光学性能间的关系。

  • Measurement for complex permeability of magnetic thin-film by impedance / material analyzer

    利用阻抗/ 材料分析仪测量磁性 薄膜的复磁导率

  • For the instability of metal oxide thin film gas sensor in doping process a practical ZnO thin-film gas sensing basic material was developed .

    针对金属氧化物薄膜气敏元件 传统 制造工艺中存在的掺杂不稳问题,开发了一种实用化的ZnO 薄膜气敏基 材料