

n.(个人的)用品需要的东西生物事实物( thing的名词复数 )

  • How we conceptualize things has a lot to do with what we feel

    我们对 事物的概念在很大程度上取决于我们的感觉。

  • I don 't hold with the way they do things nowadays .

    我不赞成他们现在的 办事方式。

  • I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me

    现在我的 境况好转了,我真希望他能在这里。

  • With hindsight we 'd all do things differently

    有了事后的认识,我们都会以不同的方式 行事

  • I can get down to nitpicking detail I am pretty fussy about certain things .

    我会挑剔细节,我对某些 事情相当吹毛求疵。

  • I have to sort some things out . We really needed to talk .

    我必须把一些 事情搞清楚。我们真的需要谈一谈。

  • I remember a lot of things

    我记得很多 事情

  • I can look back on things with a clear conscience . I did everything I could .

    我可以 问心无愧地回首过去,我已经尽力了。

  • Mildred and I are very compatible . She 's interested in the things that interest me

    我和米尔德丽德很合得来,我感兴趣的 东西她也感兴趣。

  • I asked about one or two things that interest me and she really did know it all backwards .

    我问了一两 我感兴趣的 东西,她的确都了如指掌。

  • I often do absent-minded things particularly when I 'm worried .

    我常做些心不在焉的 ,尤其是在我焦虑不安时。

  • It 's a very tricky problem but I think there are a number of things you can do .

    那是个非常棘手的问题,但我想有几 你是可以做到的。

  • The trouble is that these restrictions have remained while other things have changed

    问题是其他 事情都变了,而这些条条框框还在。

  • That 's more like it you 're getting into the swing of things now .

    这才对了嘛,你现在慢慢开始熟悉 情况了。

  • Things aren 't ideal but that 's the best you can hope for


  • That 's one of the things I like about you . You 're strong .

    这是我喜欢你的一个 地方。你很坚强。

  • I have not worried so much this year partly because I have had other things to think about

    今年我不太担心,在某种程度上是因为我有别的 事情要考虑。

  • When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value .

    一旦你为人父母,你曾经在意的 那些 事情就显得不那么重要了。

  • It 's up to us to change things we don 't like

    能否改变 那些我们不喜欢的 事情取决于我们自己。

  • Why don 't you come home with me until you sort things out ?

    你何不先和我一起回家,等 事情解决了再走?

  • We are a proud people . We are not used to begging or taking things .

    我们是有自尊的民族。我们不习惯乞讨或接受 施舍

  • It shows that your child can now see the funny side of things

    这表明你的孩子现在可以领会 事情有趣的一面了

  • I realised I had a big problem . I wanted to be all things to all people

    我意识到我有个大毛病,我总想不 得罪任何人。

  • I thought I was hearing things yesterday . I thought I heard a cuckoo .

    我想昨天我出现 幻听了。我以为听到了布谷鸟叫。

  • I got on to him and explained some of the things I had been thinking of .

    我同他取得了联系,并向他解释了我一直在思考的一些 事情

  • Things have thankfully worked out all right

    谢天谢地, 事情终于圆满解决了。

  • I am getting things ready now .

    我这 准备好了。

  • When things go wrong all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated


  • You have drive and energy for those things you are interested in .

    你对那些感兴趣的 事情干劲十足。