think better of

[θɪŋk ˈbɛtɚ ʌv][θiŋk ˈbetə ɔv]


  • You are right I think better of him now after I have known him .

    你说的对,了解他之后,我现在 他的 印象 好多了。

  • I think it 's better for both of us to be free .

    恢复自由身对我们两个都 比较

  • My mother too poor soul will think so much better of you on account of it .

    我的母亲,可怜的人,也 因此而 看重你了。

  • He would think the better of me .

    他一定 看得起我。

  • Please think of a better way of solving the problem .

    一个 更好的办法来解决这个问题。

  • It might help people think better of him .

    这可能会让人们 他的 印象

  • Sir I hope that Perseus will think better of it ;

    先生,我希望 柏修斯 三思而行

  • Negative characteristics of social comparison are more obvious for senior students . ( 3 ) Compared with students of science medicine and liberal art students of arts are more concerned about self-body images and think better of it .

    高年级学生社会比较特点的消极特征 为明显一些。(3)艺术系的学生对自我体象的评估和关注均高于文科、理科、医学系。

  • I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the following example ( s ) .

    没有比这 更好的言语来说明这个下面的例子。

  • And now you think better of it and would like to be off with your bargain ? I have been figuring upon this returned the lawyer . Construction of connecting passage in metro is a key problem for regional tunnel construction .

    律师回答道:现在 改变了主意,要取消这项协议吗?我已估计到这点了。地铁联络通道是区间隧道施工的难点。

  • With luck the Russian government will even now think better of the course on which it has embarked .

    幸运的话,即便是现在,俄罗斯政府也会反思其已经踏上的道路并 回心转意

  • It 's a foolish idea ; I hope you will think better of it .

    我希望你重新 考虑,放弃这个 想法

  • I think much better of him after I have found out his true motive .

    我发现他的真实动机后, 他的 评价了。

  • My dictionary defines happy as lucky or fortunate but I think a better definition of happiness is the capacity for enjoyment .

    我的字典把幸福定义为幸运或好运。但是我 幸福 更好的定义是享受的能力。

  • If you think better of it call me tonight .

    “若你 改变 主意了,打电话给我。”

  • But let me advise you to think better of it . I know your disposition Lizzy .

    不过我劝你 还是仔细 想想:我了解你的个性,丽萃。

  • I hope you think better of it .

    我希望你 重新 考虑 一下

  • He did not think the better of her in that she had a lot of imagination .

    他并不因为她想象力丰富而 更加 看重她。

  • And this time they think they have better ways of turning the popularity of open source into profits .

    这一次,他们 认为更好的办法将开源软件的人气转化为利润。

  • In fact the state-owned commercial banks have been the implement its own development strategy of the tools not the body of the commercialization the government think better of state-owned commercial banks the tools .

    事实上, 国国有商业银行成为政府实现其自身发展战略的工具,而非市场 的主体。

  • Politicians always believe that history will think better of them than their contemporaries .

    政客们总是相信,历史 他们的 评价 于同时代人的评价。

  • I did not approve of what Faubus had done and I wanted people from other states to think better of Arkansas .

    我不赞 同福伯斯(担任了6届阿肯色州州长)的所作所为,希望其他州的人对阿肯色州有 评价

  • But his opponent began to think better of the matter .

    可是他的对手开始 改变想法

  • He made as if to leave the room but think better of it returned to comfort the weeping girl .

    他做出像要离开房间的样子,但 还是走回来安慰这个在哭泣的姑娘。

  • Sir I hope that Perseus should think better of it .

    但是,各位绅士,我劝这位珀尔修斯先生 三思而行

  • He may think he has the better of us but we 'll settle with him before the week 's out .

    他也许 认为他占了我们 便宜,不过,不出本星期我们就要叫他 好看

  • They think the better of me since they 've learned the facts .

    他们了解了事实真相以后, 更加 钦佩了。

  • I dare say you 'll think better of it in an hour .

    我敢说你不出一小时就会 回心转意

  • If people think of the better possibilities of a situation with a delighted mood their cerebrums will excrete favorable hormones that will make their bodies healthy and strong .

    如把事情多往好处 、心情 舒畅,人脑就会分泌出强身健体的益性荷尔蒙。