


  • The text mostly introduce the incorporate finite element model the spelling of the model as well as the analyses of the reduce effect for the type place of the aircraft due to setting damp thingamy .

    本文主要介绍一体化有限元建模、计算模型的拼装以及 发动机减振 安装 前后 典型 部位 减振效果的分析等。

  • The facilities corrosion problems in the petrochemical enterprises not only make the cost of replacing and maintaining facilities increased but also threaten safe operation of thingamy severely .

    石化企业中设备腐蚀问题不仅造成设备更新维护费用的增加, 同时严重威胁着 装置的安全运行。

  • Theoretically calculate and analyses the effect for dynamical optimize design of the type place of the aircraft due to setting damp reduce thingamy .

    从理论上计算分析出由于安装阻尼 减振 装置,在全机各典型部位的减振优化设计的效果。