

  • Cloning of the Major Surface Protein P32 Gene from Ovine Theileria and Construction of Eukaryotic Expression Vector

    泰勒 主要表面蛋白P32基因的克隆及真核表达载体的构建

  • Cloning and sequence analysis of P32 surface protein genes of three strains of bovine Theileria sergenti

    三株 牛瑟氏 泰勒 P32表面蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析

  • Western blotting result showed that the protein can recognize positive serum of Theileria sergenti and has good reactionogenicity .

    WESTERNBLOTTING检测结果表明,该 融合蛋白可 牛瑟氏 泰勒 阳性血清识别,并具有较好的反应原性,为下一步核酸疫苗的研究奠定了坚实的基础。

  • In vitro infection of Theileria annulata to bovine white blood cells

    体外培养牛白细胞中 环形 泰勒焦虫 Theileria annulata 的增殖、释放与感染

  • Ovine theileriosis is caused by Theileria species and transmitted by ticks to sheep and goats .

    羊泰勒虫病是由羊的 泰勒虫引起的绵羊和山羊的一种蜱传性血液原虫病。

  • Molecular Cloning of Major Surface Protein ( P33 ) of Theileria Sergenti and Establishment of PCR Diagnosis Method of Theileria Sergenti

    牛瑟氏 泰勒虫P33主要表面蛋白基因的克隆民PCR诊断方法的建立

  • Optimization of Prokaryotic Expression of Xinjiang Bovine Theileria annulata Tams ⅰ Gene and the Protein Purification

    新疆牛 形泰勒虫TamsⅠ基因原核表达条件的优化及蛋白纯化

  • The development of Koch bodies of Theileria annulata from infected cattle in tissue culture

    环形泰氏焦虫考 赫氏体在体外感染牛组织培养中繁殖

  • Effect of Theileria annulata on Immune Level in Dairy Cow

    环形 泰勒焦虫对奶牛免疫水平的影响