things personal

[法] 动产,个人财产

  • Most people create passwords even complicated ones based on the people places and things in their personal and professional lives .

    大多数人创建的密码,即使是复杂的,根据人物,地点和他们的 个人 生活和职业生涯的 事情

  • ' Some things we think are personal are actually more public than we imagine . ' Viruses from a phone can cause flu pinkeye or diarrhea says Dr. Cain .

    凯恩博士表示,一些我们以为很 私人 东西实际上对公众所造成影响比我们想象中要大。一部手机上的病菌有可能引发流感、传染性结膜炎或者腹泻。

  • Concerning things deeply private and personal .

    与非常个人和 私人化的 事情有关。

  • We don 't change things out of personal prejudice .

    不要因为 个人成见而改变 事物的本来面目。

  • If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development . - Brian Tracy .

    如果你想在 个人和职业生涯中获取有价值的 东西,那么你首先得在自我提升中成为有价值的人。

  • It will be clear you need to chill out so take a step back and try to find things in your personal life to keep you occupied .

    这将是明确你需要冷静下来,所以退一步,并设法找到的 东西在您的 个人生活,让您占领。

  • Now instead of working towards materialistic things and personal glory my heart and life are firmly linked around people I care about .

    现在,我工作不再是为了“名利” 海文考研,我的身心与我所关心的人紧紧地连在一起。

  • We search for such things as good schools for our kids personal space and access to nature .

    我们寻找 诸如对我的孩子来说的好学校, 个人空间及人与自然的接触。

  • One of the worst things we do as a people is our personal introduction .

    人们做的最不 事情中有一件就是做 个人介绍。

  • There are two greatest communities in Education area : Teachers and students who had become the important things in the research concerned with the personal knowledge management ( PKM ) .

    存在于教育领域的两大群体,即教师和学生,成为 个人 知识管理研究的关注重点。

  • Consider for example the common belief that things like personal misfortunes plane crashes and deaths happen in threes .

    举个例子,普遍的 想法是一 个人的不幸,飞机失事,死亡会一起发生。

  • This change of perception may even motivate the individual to see and do things differently in personal development & what we consider inspiration .

    这种观念的变化,可激发在成长过程中 个人的行为与对 事物观察的变化&我们称其为灵感。

  • Emotion is a psychological experience which people have when objective things either conform to their personal needs and desires or not . It can affect the direction adjustment and maintenance of learning activites .

    情感是人们对于客观 事物是否符合 个人的需要与愿望而产生的一种心理体验,它对学习活动具有定向、启动、调节和维持的作用。

  • Then emulate that in managing the things that fall outside of your own personal comfort zone & such as design for example .

    然后才是学习如何管理 自己不在行的 事情,比如说设计。

  • Things occasionally get personal which sometimes resonates in their marketing .

    偶尔也有在各自营销上引起共鸣的 攻击。

  • In the early years of our marriage Clarissa would sometimes run out of money and quietly pay for things with her personal credit card .

    在我们婚后的头几年,有时候会出现超支的 情况,这时克拉丽莎 就会悄悄地拿 自己的信用卡来买单。

  • Things can get pretty personal * Out west .

    在西部 麻烦 总是 自己找上门。

  • It also describes the tangible possessions ( people or things ) which we substitute when our personal desires go unfulfilled .

    当你并不能满足 个人的渴望时,这包括去拥有有形的代替品(人或 )。

  • Hobbies and all things done for personal pleasure and enjoyment .

    兴趣爱好和那些为了 个人愉悦和享受去做的 事情

  • Before learning the formal science conception students ' mind not bank they have already had their own opinions and understandings of natural phenomena and things in life by day-to-day communication and personal experience .

    学生在学习正式的科学概念前,头脑并非一片空白,通过日常交际和 个人经验的积累,对自然界或生活中的常见现象和 事物形成了大量的个人观点与认识。

  • Now that these dog tags are highly customized for your own play style it helps make things that much more personal so the only way to gain one is to get the jump on your opponent .

    现在这些狗牌是高度定制你自己的打法,它有助于使 事情更加 个性化,所以只有这样,才能获得一个是得到你的对手的跳。

  • What sorts of things are too personal to discuss with your parents ? Is there anyone you could discuss those things with ?

    什么样的 认为太过 隐私而不愿跟父母讨论的?你有没有可以讨论这些隐私的人呢?

  • The things I like most of all is personal achievement - not achievement for the world 's applause but achievement for my own delight .

    我最喜欢的 事情就是 个人成就感,不是为了赢得世界喝采的成就感,而是为了个人喜悦的成就感。

  • For the first half of2006 the school 's reading things It is my personal Java .

    2006年的上半年,在读书求学的 事情,我简直是个 人渣

  • Whether your dreams involve travel success meeting certain people or other things they are your personal dreams .

    无论你的梦想是旅游、遇见某个特定的人或者其他 什么,那些都只是你的 个人梦想。

  • Scrum has also said that the scope is wide including such diverse things as engineering practices and personal issues .

    Scrum还认为障碍涵盖的范围很广,包括工程实践和 个人问题 方面