tight credit

[taɪt ˈkrɛdɪt][tait ˈkredit]


  • Much of that debt is the offspring of the current cash flow crunch born of tight credit and reduced demand in the overseas markets .

    这些欠款中,很大一部分都源于目前处于 吃紧的现金流状况,出现这种局面的原因则是 信贷 紧张和海外市场需求下降。

  • In many ways the impact of tight credit in China as part of broader monetary tightening has had a more significant impact on commodity markets he says .

    他说:作为更广泛的货币紧缩措施的一部分,中国 收紧 信贷在许多方面对大宗商品市场产生了更大的影响。

  • And falling hours plus sluggish wages mean a further drag on US consumption already constrained by debt-laden household balance sheets and tight credit .

    工作时间下降和工资增长缓慢,意味着美国的消费将进一步受到抑制负债累累的家庭资产负债表和 信贷 收紧已经抑制了该国的消费。

  • Tight credit markets dented consumer confidence and high gas prices all conspire to reduce demand .

    信贷市场 紧缩、消费者信心下滑以及油价高企等因素交织在一起,降低了需求。

  • Of course that doesn 't mean they are buying : 60 % said tight credit was preventing them from taking the plunge .

    当然,这并不意味着他们正在买进:60%的受访者说, 信贷 紧缩让他们无法冒险入市。

  • Such companies have been more directly affected by the banks ' tight credit policies than their competitors in the state sector .

    与国有部门的竞争对手相比,民营企业更直接地受到银行 收紧 信贷政策的影响。

  • But he says without a doubt conditions are tough for Americans struggling with high energy prices soaring food costs a plummeting housing market and tight credit .

    但是他表示,毫无疑问,目前的状况对于美国人来说确实难以招架,因为他们正面对能源价格暴涨、食品价格飙升、房屋市场狂跌和 信贷 市场 紧缩的局面而苦苦挣扎。

  • China 's growth for instance began to slow well before global demand stumbled as tight credit policies to prevent the economy overheating caused the property market and construction to collapse .

    如中国的经济增长在全球需求骤减之前开始放缓,因为中国为了防止经济过热而引起房地产市场和建筑市场崩溃采取了 紧缩 信贷政策。

  • Despite the economy 's modest recovery individuals face high unemployment and tight credit .

    虽然经济有所复苏,但个人仍面临高失业率和 信用 紧缩

  • Moderately tight credit policy

    适度 从紧 信贷政策

  • Recent weeks have seen nations employ more aggressive measures to prop up financial institutions ease tight credit and reassure panicky investors .

    最近几个星期来,一些国家采取更加积极的措施,支撑金融机构,缓解 信贷 紧张和让恐慌的投资人放心。

  • This chronic problem has been exacerbated during the financial crisis by tight credit conditions and large price declines which impacted producers .

    在金融危机期间,由于 紧缩 信贷环境和价格大幅下跌影响到生产商,这个长期问题进一步恶化。

  • And during these times of tight credit credit unions may be likelier to approve your loan .

    并且在 紧缩 信贷时期,信用合作社可能会更有可能批准你的贷款。

  • The US consumer might finally be buckling under the strain of tight credit falling house and stock prices rising unemployment and still high commodity prices .

    美国消费者最终可能屈服于 信贷 紧缩、房价及股价下跌、失业加剧和大宗商品价格依然高企的压力。

  • Central banks around the world have aggressively injected money into financial systems to counteract tight credit that could strangle economic expansion .

    世界各国的中央银行积极向金融系统注入资金,以应对可能使经济增长停滞的 信贷 紧缩

  • Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment tight credit lower home values sluggish job growth .

    统计数据描绘了一幅不容乐观的画面:失业率攀升, 信贷 从紧,家庭观念淡薄,就业机会增长缓慢。

  • Tight credit should favour cash-laden companies over the vulture funds that have circled Europe for the past two-plus years .

    该公司上周通过发债募集了20亿欧元。 紧缩 信用环境应该更有利于现金充裕的企业,而不是两年多来一直围着欧洲打转的秃鹫基金。

  • At present the deficiency of county area finance system resulted in county area finance loses too much blood and that the tight credit caused the financial input into county area economy is by far insufficient accordingly restrained the development of county economy .

    当前,不尽完善的县域金融体系导致县域金融失血过多、 信贷 紧缩,造成了县域经济发展所需资金投入严重不足,从而抑制了县域经济的发展。

  • Tight credit standards could of course inhibit future housing demand some .

    当然, 严格 信贷标准会对未来的住房需求构成一定抑制。

  • Most analysts trace America 's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults .

    绝大多数分析人士都把美国目前的经济困难归咎于房贷违约和丧失抵押住房赎回权案子激增所导致的 信贷条件 紧缩

  • While asset prices are benefiting from the money sloshing through the system it has not alleviated tight credit conditions for consumers and some companies .

    体系内流动的大量资金虽然有利于资产价格,但并未缓解消费者及某些公司的 信贷 紧张状况。

  • Financial markets remain under considerable stress and tight credit conditions and the deepening housing contraction are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters .

    紧缩 信贷环境、收缩的房屋市场和上升的能源价格将令未来数个季度的经济增长受压。

  • It also reflects how companies are making use of low interest rates tight credit spreads and roaring equity markets to raise capital .

    这还反映出,企业正在熟练利用较低的利率、较 信贷利差和不断飙升的股市来筹集资金。