



  • A lightweight thermoplastic ; used especially in packaging and insulation .

    一种轻量的 塑料,尤其用于包装和绝缘。

  • One new grade adheres to thermoplastic elastomer ( TPE ) systems and to existing EPDM rubber profiles .

    其中的一个新牌号可粘合到 弹性体(TPE)系统以及现有的EPDM橡胶异型构件上。

  • A thermoplastic polyester elastomer designed for blow molding or processing techniques requiring high melt viscosity .


  • A low modulus high performance thermoplastic elastomer with food compliance specificity .

    低模量高性能 弹性体的食物级特异性。

  • Thermoplastic polyester resin is polyethylene terephthalate ( PBT ) compounds based binder polymer semi-crystalline materials .


  • In contrast with metal and thermoplastic material which has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE ) .

    相较于金属和 材料,什么材料具有更高的热膨胀系数(CTE)?

  • Thermoplastic and thermosetting substances are called plastics .


  • ( trademark ) a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin .

    (商标名称)一种透明的 丙烯酸树脂。

  • Modification of SBS Thermoplastic Elastomer and Application for Adhesive


  • Heat of the main construction material sealant mainly isobutene polymer EPDM rubber and thermoplastic styrene block copolymer .

    热施工密封胶的主体材料主要是异丁烯类聚合物、三元乙丙橡胶和 的苯乙烯嵌段共聚物。

  • A thermoplastic polyamide ; a family of high-strength resilient synthetic materials .

    一种 具有 的聚酰胺,一族高强度、有弹性的合成材料。

  • A polymer of styrene ; a rigid transparent thermoplastic .

    一种聚苯乙烯的聚合体,硬而透明的 塑料

  • A thermoplastic resin obtained by polymerization of indene and coumarone ; used in coatings and paint and asphalt tile .

    一种 树脂,聚合茚和香豆酮制成,用于涂层、油漆和沥青砖。

  • Rheological and phase transition properties are the important parameters for industrial production of thermoplastic starch ( TPS ) .

    流变性质和相变性质是指导 淀粉(TPS)生产加工的重要参数。

  • This property differentiates thermoplastic materials from thermosetting ones .

    这个特性将热 材料与热硬化性材料区分开。

  • Special grades of this thermoplastic polyester elastomer include heat stabilized flame retardant and blow molding .


  • A polymer of propylene used as a thermoplastic molding material .

    一种丙烯的聚合体,用作 铸型材料。

  • This paper reviews the recent research achievement of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin-matrix composites at home and abroad .

    综述玻璃纤维增强 树脂基复合材料及其界面优化的国内外研究现状。

  • They manufacture the class of plastics known as thermoplastic materials

    他们生产这类被称为 材料的塑料制品。

  • The manufacture equipments procedure and process of the thermoplastic powder coatings are introduced .

    介绍了 粉末涂料的生产设备、生产方法和生产工艺。

  • It can be processed by many conventional thermoplastic processing techniques like injection molding and extrusion .

    它可以处理许多常规像 塑料注射成型和挤出加工技术。

  • This process can be applied to any heat-sensitive of thermoplastic fiber . Nylon and polyester are both commonly used .

    这种加工方法适用于各种热敏性纤维或 纤维,常用的有尼龙和涤纶。

  • The study can provide an effective method for the winding process of high performance thermoplastic composites .

    该方法的研究,为高性能 树脂基复合材料的缠绕成型提供了一种有效手段。

  • The recent development and modification methods of the bismaleimide resin toughened with thermoplastic resin were reviewed in this paper .

    综述了 树脂(TP)对双马来酰亚胺树脂(BMI)的改性方法及研究进展。

  • The building membrane material applied at home and abroad mainly includes coating fabric and thermoplastic compound .

    目前国内外应用的建筑膜材主要包括涂层织物类膜材和 化合物类膜材两大类。

  • Polypropylene continues to be the thermoplastic of choice for countless applications .

    一直以来,聚丙烯都是无数应用领域中 材料的选择之一。

  • The Company is a professional sales and production of thermoplastic synthetic rubber body and special elastomer plastic .

    本公司为专业销售和生产 人造橡胶弹体及特种弹性体塑料。