this year

[ðɪs jɪr][ðis jə:]


  • The college has enrolled another group of research students this year .

    这所大学 今年又收了一批研究生。

  • It has been a success from the very start this year .

    今年 开始,就来了个开门红。

  • This year 's event consisted of readings lectures and workshops .


  • At the middle of this year the government staged a huge military parade .

    今年 中,政府举行了一次盛大的阅兵活动。

  • The tough market would lead to 400 jobs being cut in the first half of this year .

    市场形势严峻,将导致 今年上半年400个职位的削减。

  • There have been four hundred escapes this year showing up the lack of security .

    今年已发生400起越狱事件了, 充分显示了安全措施的不到位。

  • Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances this year 's show has been cancelled

    遗憾的是,由于一些意外情况, 今年的演出被取消了。

  • We 've put down on our staff development plan for this year that we would like some technology courses

    我们已经在 今年的员工发展计划中写到我们希望有一些技术培训课程。

  • I got a new job this year where I am on the go all the time .


  • The attack was the third so far this year .

    这是 今年迄今为止的第三次袭击。

  • The average German will enjoy 40 days ' paid holiday this year


  • He reopened ties with Moscow earlier this year


  • He got nervous again at the college entrance examination this year .

    今年高考他又憷 了。

  • I would love to go abroad this year perhaps to the South of France .


  • I have not worried so much this year partly because I have had other things to think about


  • Victoria Falls has had above average levels of rainfall this year

    维多利亚瀑布 今年的降雨量超过了平均水平。

  • The last figures so far this year indicate a rise of 13.8 % .


  • This year 's cotton production exceeds last year 's by a big margin .


  • Unfavourable weather has had damaging effects on this year 's harvest

    恶劣天气使 今年的收成受到了损失。

  • The company has already been in hot water over high prices this year .

    这家公司 今年由于价格过高已经陷入困境。

  • Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year


  • The new system went live earlier this year

    新系统 今年早些时候开始了运行。

  • This year we won 't even be able to buy presents for our grandchildren . It 's heartbreaking .


  • She was off again . Last year she had been to Kenya . This year it was Goa

    她又走了,去年去了肯尼亚, 今年则是果阿。

  • The win completed a treble for them – they already claimed a league and cup double this year .

    此役获胜成就了他们的三冠王——此前他们已经拿下了 今年的联赛和杯赛双料冠军。

  • The nation 's electronics industry made important strides this year to even up its balance of trade

    该国的电子产业 今年取得了重大进步,平衡了贸易差额。

  • All seven plants have had temporary shutdowns this year .


  • We have a great deficit this year .

    我们 今年有很大亏损。

  • The weather of this year is not the same as that of the past years .
