third party insurance

[θə:d ˈpɑrti ɪnˈʃʊrəns][θɜ:d ˈpɑ:ti inˈʃuərəns]

[经] 第三者责任保险

  • The 17th clause of the current Law of Road Traffic Safety stipulates the system of the third party liability insurance of motor vehicle the implementation of which will certainly bring the insurance company a new opportunity to expand its business growth .

    现行的《道路交通安全法》第17条规定了机动车 责任 保险制度,这一制度的实施给保险公司带来了新的契机,因为它必将扩大保险公司新的业务增长点;

  • Implemented in 2006 Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance and then unified the country compulsory third party liability insurance system .

    2006年开始实施《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》,进而统一了全国机动车 责任强制 保险制度。

  • As the benefit of third party insurance the generation of system is not accidental but has its strong growth foundation .

    食品安全 责任 强制 作为一种为 利益之 保险,在 的应运而生并不是偶然的,而是有其强大的生长根基。

  • Chinese compulsory insurance system is established and developed on foreign motor vehicle compulsory third party liability insurance system .

    我国的机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度本身就是在借鉴外国机动车强制 责任 保险制度的基础上建立发展起来的。

  • Justice Exertion of Article 76 of ' Road Traffic Safety Law ' in the Third Party Responsibility Insurance

    浅析《道路交通安全法》第76条在第 责任 中的司法运用

  • Enforcing Compulsory Motor Vehicle the Third Party Insurance Bringing New Opportunities and Challenges for Insurance Companies

    推行强制性机动车辆第 保险为保险公司带来新的机遇和挑战

  • Studies on the Claim Frequency Model of Automobile Third Party Liability Insurance

    机动车 责任 保险理赔次数分布模型研究

  • Container owner 's third party liability insurance

    集装箱物主第 责任 保险

  • The first part introduces the system of compulsory third party liability insurance the basic theory of compulsory third party liability insurance the meaning characteristics patterns and explain the legal relationship .

    第一部分介绍了机动车 责任强制 保险制度的基本理论,对机动车第三者责任强制保险的涵义、特征、模式及法律关系进行阐述。

  • The Law requires the state to practice the system of the compulsory third party liability insurance for motor vehicles .

    该法在道路交通事故损害赔偿的处理上, 修改了传统的过错责任原则,第一次以法律的形式规定了在我国实施以无过错责任原则为基础的机动车 责任强制 保险 制度

  • The fourth part of our compulsory third party liability insurance system improve the proposal .

    第四部分提出了我国机动车 责任强制 保险制度的完善建议。

  • For the duration of the residential work period the artist must be insured for medical and personal liability and damages ( third party insurance ) .

    驻地艺术家需自行支付其医疗及 身安全之 保险

  • Preface implies the motive and aim of this thesis by introducing the formation of third party motor insurance system .

    引言部分,通过简述机动车 责任 保险制度的产生过程,阐明本文写作动机及目的,提出本文的命题。

  • D & O insurance is a sort of third party insurance which is different from the traditional property insurance in target and insurance coverage .

    董事责任保险是一种 保险,与传统的财产保险相比,在标的、赔偿限额等方面有其特殊性。

  • Commercial third party insurance lost cover 's reason probing and its supervision thinking

    商业 亏损承保之原因剖析及其监管思考

  • The motor vehicle third party liability insurance cannot be only understood in the view of general insurance the social purpose of the system should be considered .

    对机动车辆 责任 保险不能仅仅从一般意义上的保险的角度来认识,而应当结合机动车辆第 者责任保险的社会目的加以考虑。

  • This will improve the compulsory motor vehicle third party liability insurance and make it better serve the broad masses of people to build a harmonious society is very regrettable .

    这对完善机动车 强制责任 保险并使其更好的服务于广大人民群众,建立和谐社会是非常遗憾的。

  • By approach adopted from abroad this paper discusses and analyses the problems existed in the law of motor vehicle third party liability insurance and provide some suggestions .

    本文通过借鉴国外的做法,对我国机动车 责任 保险存在的法律问题进行了分析和探讨,提出了一些观点和立法构想。

  • Part III makes a comparison between third party motor insurance and tort liability .

    第三部分,机动车 责任 保险与侵权责任 赔偿制度的关系。

  • If you don 't gave GIO third party property insurance we suggest you don 't hit this bus .

    如果你没有gio 财产 保险,那么我们希望你别撞上公共汽车。

  • This thesis is divided into four parts carry on analysis and discussion to the motor vehicle third party liability insurance .

    本文分四个部分对机动车辆 责任 保险进行分析和探讨。

  • Chapter II introduces the developments of automobile insurance in China and describes the compulsory third party liability insurance and the products of the studied company .

    第二章,介绍了国内机动车辆保险发展、改革情况,对将要实施的强制 责任 保险进行了分析,并介绍了研究对象公司的 车险产品 费率 体系

  • Moreover presently for the contracts on the third party liability insurance for motor vehicles there is no provision in China on direct payment of the insurance money to the aggrieved third party ;

    且我国目前的机动车 责任 保险合同并无直接赔付保险金于受害第三者的规定;

  • A green card can serve as easily recognizable proof of third party insurance for example in the case of an accident when traveling abroad .

    比如发生了事故或在国外旅游,绿卡可以做为 保险的证据,很容易识别。

  • The third part studies the compulsory third party liability insurance system and the historical development of the main problems .

    第三部分研究了我国机动车 责任强制 保险制度的历史发展及存在的主要问题。

  • In view of the significance of the motor vehicle third party liability insurance this author insists that the compensation obligation shouldn 't be excluded outside the insurer 's insurance liability .

    另一方面,考虑到机动车辆 责任强制 保险 制度的意义,笔者认为在此 范畴内,保险人的保险责任不应当将被保险人故意所导致的损害赔偿义务排除在外。

  • According to on May 1st 2004 formally implementing the provisions of The Law of Traffic Safety our country in a nationwide enforce the motor vehicle third party liability insurance and establish Road traffic accident social relief fund .

    根据2004年5月1日正式实施的《道路交通安全法》的规定,我国在全国范围内强制实施机动车 责任 保险 制度,并设立道路交通事故社会救助基金。

  • As a mandatory liability insurance to pay compulsory insurance is different from the commercial motor vehicle third party liability insurance .

    作为强制性责任保险,交强险不同于商业性机动车 责任 保险

  • Compulsory third party insurance

    责任的强制 保险

  • Part I is a summary of third party motor insurance .

    第一部分,机动车 责任 保险 法律 制度概述。