


  • The anonymous function takes two market data as arguments : a ticker symbol and a price .

    匿名函数的参数是两项市场数据: 股票 代码和价格。

  • A good example is a news channel ticker displaying live stock prices from a financial exchange with new data arriving every n seconds .

    例如,新闻频道的 自动 收报机显示来自金融交易所的实时股票行情,它每n秒收到一次新数据。

  • London-listed Vision Opportunity China ( ticker : VOC ) potentially offers both .

    伦敦上市的VisionOpportunityChina( 代码:VOC)可能同时提供了这两种优势。

  • DWR creates script sessions for each open stock ticker page .

    DWR为每个开放股票 报价 页创建脚本会话。

  • Ticker is slang for one 's heart because your heartbeats similar to the way in which a clock ticks .

    对,心脏是像钟表那样 滴滴答答地跳动。

  • The second inner function applies the ticker and price to the business rule function !

    第二个内部函数 股票 代码和股价 传递给业务规则函数!

  • Its easy isn 't it ? if she did want you to ticker her you deserve to get scratched .

    很简单不是吗?,如果她想让你去 她,你就应该被挠。

  • Perhaps the stock ticker should have given the game away .

    或许,股票 报价 系统已经泄露了天机。

  • And finally we put this all together to build a new service that pulls together currency and stock ticker information into a single service .

    最后,我们将这些服务组合到一起来创建一个新的服务,它将货币与 股票信息综合到一个服务中。

  • Those values are bound to variables such Quantity or Ticker .

    出来的值被绑定到Quantity、 Ticker 译注 股票 代码)等变量。

  • The quarterly China Venture Capitalist Confidence IndexTM ( Bloomberg ticker symbol : CVCCI ) is based on an on-going survey of Mainland China and Hong Kong venture capitalists .

    季刊《中国风险资本信心指标》(Bloomberg tickersymbol:CVCCI)是依据中国大陆和香港的风险投资的现状调研所完成的。

  • Symbol in this case is a request parameter representing the requested ticker symbol and callback is the name of your callback function in your Web application .

    在这种情况下,symbol是表示请求 tickersymbol的请求参数,而callback是Web应用程序的回调函数的名称。

  • She remembered the phone call on Thursday about the train ticker .

    她记起周四关于火车 的电话。

  • Because the web service does the work of retrieving the stock ticker data and storing it in a simple data structure I only needed to convert that data to RDF .

    由于web服务完成了检索 股票数据并存储在一个简单的数据结构中,所以我只需要将数据转换成RDF。

  • And she feels like she has a brand new ticker .

    感到自己似乎有了一个全新的 心脏

  • If he didn 't have a bum ticker I 'd put him in his place .

    要不是他 心脏不好,我一定给他点颜色。

  • A stock quote service that returns the stock price associated with a specified ticker symbol .

    股票报价服务,返回与指定 股票 行情 自动 收录 符号相关的股票价格。

  • The traditional Hello World or Stock Ticker web services would not provide enough information to illustrate the requirements of our web service deployment .

    传统的HelloWorld或Stock TickerWeb服务将无法提供足够的信息来说明我们的Web服务部署需求。

  • We used this model to create an AJAX-style client that updates the stock price as you type in the ticker symbol .

    我们使用这一模型来创建一个AJAX方式的客户端,它通过您输入的 符号更新股票价格。

  • Provides current price information for ticker symbols and company names .

    提供 股市 代号和公司名称的当前价格信息。

  • A half million people watched the troops march in New York 's ticker tape parade .

    有50万人观看了部队在纽约 纸带 纷飞 欢迎仪式中列队前进。

  • Examples include product codes such as the Global Trade Identification Number ( GTIN ) ticker symbols and bar code numbers .

    业务标识符的例子包括产品代码,例如GlobalTradeIdentificationNumber( GTIN), 股票代号和条形码编号。

  • In the previous example you used a static file ( ticker . js ) to dynamically insert JavaScript into a Web page .

    在上一个例子中,使用了静态文件( ticker.js)将JavaScript动态插入到Web页面中。

  • It did not publicly disclose either a ticker symbol or on which exchange it plans to trade .

    希尔顿没有公开披露它的 证券代码,也没有说明计划在哪 证券交易所 挂牌

  • Printers : Magazines and newspapers will switch to digital paper . paper strip on which a telegraphic ticker prints .

    印刷商:杂志和报纸将 改用数码纸。

  • Occasionally somebody would jump up and rip a handful of tape off the lazily clicking ticker machine .

    偶尔会有人突然站起身来,从发出懒洋洋滴答声的 股票 报价 上撕下一把 报价

  • For example the Date object is the basis for creating a countdown ticker or any other time-related functionality .

    例如,Date对象是创建倒计时 钟表或其他与时间相关的功能的基础。

  • The apply_biz_rules function maps an inner function to each ticker / price pair within the market data .

    applybizrules函数将一个内部函数映射到市场数据中的每一对 股票 代码/股价。

  • He 's got a bad ticker . he 's got a heart condition .
