third level structure

[θə:d ˈlɛvəl ˈstrʌktʃɚ][θɜ:d ˈlevl ˈstrʌktʃə]

[计] 三级结构

  • Third the development of industrialization is disequilibrium the industrial structure is not rational and the level of the industrial structure is inferior ;

    ,工业化发展不均衡,产业结构不合理, 结构 层次明显偏低;

  • The level of structural development in the third industry in our country embodies in two respects mainly : The development level of the three-industry structure and the level of every profession inside the tertiary industry .

    我国 产业结构发展水平主要体现在两方面:三次产业 结构发展 水平和内部各行业 结构发展水平。

  • The third part introduced the present situation of government functions as the regional level administrative unit & the management committee of the coal chemical industry zone in the industry structure optimization .

    部分介绍了大路煤化工园区产业 结构优化中政府职能的现状。分析了产业 结构优化过程中作为地方一 行政单位的大路煤化工园区管理委员会的职能现状。

  • The third chapter is starting from the specific works from the level of artistic expression its lettering syntactic and discourse structure and rhetorical art were excavated .

    章也是从具体作品入手,从艺术表现的 层面,对其字法、句法、篇章 结构以及修辞艺术进行了挖掘。

  • The third part basis on the experience of materials makes a general description of the basic conditions for the new generation of migrant workers ' consumption including consumption consumption level consumption structure and so on .

    部分,在经验资料的基础上,对新生代农民工的消费的基本状况进行概括性描述,包括消费观、消费 水平、消费 结构等方面。

  • The top level of it is teaching styles the second level is teaching strategy and mode the third level involves teaching means method language procedure and structure and so on .

    第二层为教学策略、教学模式;第 最为丰富,包括教学手段、教学方法、教学语言、教学程序、教学 结构等等。

  • It indicates that some region has the more developed second and third industries and the higher level of land intensive use and then adjustment of industrial structure would benefit to improve the level of land intensive use .

    说明第二、 产业越发达的地区,土地集约利用 水平越高,调整产业 结构有利于促进土地集约利用水平的提升。

  • The third level is under the general basic unit state-owned enterprise establishes the standard the legal person governs the structure manager which the implementation board of directors leads the responsibility system .

    层次是,一般性的基层国有企业,建立规范的法人治理 结构,实行董事会领导下的经理负责制。

  • Third increasing the salaries of teachers salary level and structure the ternary structure so that the salaries of university teachers to rationalize the management system scientific and international .

    是不断提高教师的薪酬 水平和合理 构建三元薪酬结构,使我国高校教师的薪酬管理制度更加合理化、科学化和国际化。

  • The third part of the resource-based analysis and design level of sustainable urban development evaluation system introduced fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of the structure and application .

    部分,分析设计了资源型城市可持续发展 水平的评价指标体系,介绍了模糊数学综合评价模型的 构造及应用。

  • Third the matching model of debts maturity structure enables business managers to keep the structure at a reasonable level so as to optimize capital structure .

    再者,债务期限结构的匹配模型,使得企业管理者将债务的期限结构保持在科学合理的 状态,从而实现资本 结构的优化。

  • Based on the results of the study the third level taking more in-depth analysis advances the referenced Countermeasures and suggestions for perfecting capital structure and enhancing operation performance in practice for listed companies of energy industry which mainly is the fifth chapter of this study .

    层次就是根据上述研究成果进行更深入的分析,提出在实践中能源上市公司完善资本 结构、提高经营绩效可参考的对策和建议,包括文章的第五章。