


  • Study on the coinfection of three tick-borne infectious diseases in China using polymerase chain reaction method

    三种 传染病在媒介蜱和 鼠类中复合感染的研究

  • Survey of Sera Antibody against Borrelia burgdorferi in the Patients Suspected with Tick-borne Encephalitis


  • Relationship Analysis of Muscle Paralysis and Abnormal EMG of Tick-borne Encephalitis

    森林 脑炎肌肉瘫痪与肌电图异常关系新生儿 无菌 心肌炎

  • Advance in the research of coinfection of tick-borne diseases


  • Epidemiology survey on natural focus of Tick-borne Encephalitis ( TBE ) was conducted in Hunchun areas in 1992 ~ 1994 . Two strains of TBE virus were isolated from Haemaphysalis concinna .

    1992~1994年,对吉林省珲春地区森林 脑炎自然疫源 进行了流行病学调查。

  • Study on Serological Epidemiology of Tick-borne Viruses in Yunnan

    云南 病毒的血清流行病学研究

  • Lyme disease ( LD ) is a naturally infection caused by the tick-borne spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and affects both human and animals . b infection .

    目的莱姆病是由 伯氏疏螺旋体引起的自然疫源 疾病, 也是人兽共患病。b的感染提供依据。

  • Objective To study the situation of tick-borne diseases and the compound infection issues by molecule epidemiology .

    〔目的 从分子流行病学 角度探讨 可能存在的 传染病及复合感染情况。

  • Adverse Reaction and Immunological Effect of Purified Tick-borne Encephalitis Vaccine

    森林 脑炎纯化疫苗接种反应和免疫学效果观察

  • Lyme disease is a tick-borne systemic borreliosis involving various parts of the body and the eyes .

    莱姆病系由 传播包柔螺旋体所引起的一种全身性疾病,可累及眼部多个部位而致视力丧失。

  • Designation of regroupment and cantonment areas The investigation of natural focus of tick-borne spotted fever in a military base

    重新集结和进驻的指定地点 某部 斑点热自然疫源 调查

  • Insect-borne diseases like dengue fever tick-borne encephalitis and malaria will spread .

    虫媒传染病,如登革热, 森林脑炎,疟疾正在蔓延。

  • Studies on tick-borne encephalitis virus ( tbe ) genome RNA isolation and property

    森林 脑炎病毒RNA的提取及其性质

  • The investigation of natural focus of tick-borne spotted fever in a military base

    某部 斑点热自然疫源 调查

  • A Tick-borne Disease-Lyme Disease First Discovered in Anhui Province

    在安徽省新发现一 自然疫源性疾病&莱姆病

  • Methods Inoculate the two kinds of tick-borne encephalitis vaccines into volunteers and observe the systemic and local reactions . Detect immune sera for neutralizing antibody titers by ELISA and plaque reduction neutralization test .

    方法两种 疫苗分别于接种后,观察局部反应和全身反应,免疫血清用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)和蚀斑减少试验法检测其中和抗体效价。

  • Investigations on ticks and tick-borne natural focal infections in Xinjiang

    新疆蜱 自然疫源性疾病的调查研究

  • At present global warming makes a significant effect in ticks and tick-borne diseases .

    目前全球气候变暖给硬蜱以及 病造成了巨大的影响。

  • Lyme disease is a newly discovered tick-borne disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato .

    莱姆病是一种新发现的 自然 疫源 疾病, 病原体为伯氏疏螺旋体(Borreliaburgdorferisensulato)。

  • Conclusion Compared with those induced by original vaccine the adverse reaction induced by the purified vaccine was mild and the neutralizing antibody positive conversion rate was high . Purified tick-borne encephalitis vaccine might be an ideal substitute of original inactivated vaccine .

    结论 森林 脑炎纯化疫苗较原制 同类疫苗反应轻微,而中和抗体阳转率明显高于原制疫苗,是 用原制灭活疫苗理想的替代产品。

  • High temperature not only expands distribution of the tick but also promotes the prevalence of tick-borne diseases .

    气温升高不仅扩大了 蜱的分布范围而且促进了 疾病的流行。

  • Objective : To discuss the changes of cardiovascular system and ECG of Tick-borne encephalitis patients .

    目的:探讨 森林 脑炎病人心血管及心电图变化。

  • Conclusion The Vero cell-adapted Sen-Zhang stain might be used as a virus seed for preparation of Vero cell-derived tick-borne encephalitis vaccine .

    结论Vero细胞适应的森张株毒种的初步特性显示可作为制备Vero细胞 森林脑炎疫苗用毒种。

  • It suggested that a few clinical cases suspected tick-borne encephalitis were Lyme disease .

    表明临床疑似 脑炎患者中有相当 数量为莱姆病,并 血清学 上证 传脑炎与莱姆病间存在同时或相继的双重感染。

  • 1311 cattle ( including farm cattle dairy cows yaks and crossbred yaks ) in 42 counties and cities of Gansu province were examined for investigating tick-borne blood protozoa .

    利用病原检查法在甘肃省42个县市对1311头牛进行了牛 血液原虫调查,并研究了不同生态地区虫种的分布特征。

  • Investigations on tick-borne blood protozoa and characteristics of their distribution in Gansu

    甘肃省 的蜱 血液原虫虫 和分布特征的调查

  • Piroplasmosis is a kind of tick-borne protozosis world wide and is gaining increasing interest .

    梨形虫病是一种越来越受关注的 播原虫病。

  • Evaluation of the effect of tick-borne encephalitis vaccine

    森林 脑炎疫苗效果的评价研究

  • Methods Immunize the subjects with purified tick-borne encephalitis vaccine using the original vaccine as control . Observe the adverse reactions after immunization and determine the antibody by plaque reduction neutralization test .

    方法选择目标人群,并用原制 疫苗作对照,观测疫苗注射后的反应,并 采集疫苗免疫前后血清,用蚀斑减少法检测中和抗体,评价疫苗的免疫效果。