theory model

[ˈθiəri ˈmɑdl][ˈθiəri ˈmɔdəl]

[计] 理论模型

  • On the base of this the paper builds a theory model of the choice on the organization of VC of the folk investors and then verifies it .

    论文用美国的资料对民间投资者选择创业投资组织形式的 理论 模型进行了初步验证。

  • From the point of view of their interaction this paper gives the reasonable interpretation for their cooperation motive and constraints by game theory model .

    本文从农户之间相互作用、相互影响的角度出发,用 博弈 模型对农户之间合作的动机和制约因素进行了合理的解释。

  • A Initial Study of Justice Theory Model on the Background of Building Harmonious Society

    构建和谐社会背景下正义 理论 模型初步研究

  • Up to now study on the DST and dynamic adsorption is in the process of accumulating the experimental data and bringing forward theory model .

    目前对动态表面张力和动态吸附的研究,基本上还处于积累实验数据,提出 理论 假设 模型的阶段。

  • Analysis on Exchange Rate Producing Cost and Trade Development Based on Dynamic Game Theory Model

    汇率水平、生产成本与贸易发展&基于动态 博弈 模型分析

  • Studies on Claims Strategy and the Game Theory Model in Engineering Management

    工程建设管理中索赔策略与博弈 模型研究

  • Theory model and numerical analysis of acoustic damping using the piezoelectric multi-layer

    压电多层消声材料声特性 理论 模型和数值分析

  • Study on the theory model about the relationship between information technology investment and enterprise performance

    关于信息技术投资与企业绩效关系的 理论 模型分析

  • Grey-Evidence Theory Model of Effectiveness Evaluation for Maintenance Support System

    维修保障系统效能评估的灰色-证据 理论 模型

  • The Risk Element Transmission Theory Model and Application Research of Network Planning Project

    网络计划项目风险元传递 理论 模型及其应用研究

  • The graph theory method for solving the electric net problem is suggested which can be used in the graph theory model for epicyclic gear trains research .

    认识到电网与轮系同属于物理系统,提出了解决电网络问题的图论方法可应用于轮系系统化研究的 图论 模型,并 理论上说明了拓扑图满足基尔霍夫定律。

  • A game theory model is presented to describe how incentive and restriction to agent affect their benefit under information asymmetry and uncertainty .

    为此,建立了在信息不对称和不确定性条件下,对代理的激励和约束如何影响双方利益的 博弈 模型

  • Study on the Theory Model and Measurement System of China 's Creative Index

    我国创意指数 理论 模型与测度指标体系研究

  • The demonstration model basically tallies with the hypothetic theory model .

    实证模型与 理论构想 模型基本拟合。

  • On the Application of Shibor Pricing Theory Model

    Shibor定价 理论 模型研究及其应用

  • A new anisotropic bone remodeling numerical theory model was proposed on the basis of ( Wolff s ) law and anisotropic mechanical properties of bone .

    新型各向异性骨再造数值 模型,量化了骨再造过程和骨力学性质的各向异性,实现了骨再造过程数值模拟的各向异性。

  • A diffusion theory model induced by a line source distribution is presented for oblique-incidence reflectometry .

    本文提出一种采用线光源分布的扩散 理论 模型用于斜入射反射测量。

  • From strategic viewpoint of the environment protection and the development WECD came up with sustainable development theory model of handling the relationship between man and nature .

    世界环境与发展委员会(WECD)提出的可持续发展 理论 模式,从保护环境和发展统一起来的高度提出处理人与大自然的关系。

  • By using system vicissitude theory we can construct the general vicissitude theory model of our country accounting system .

    运用制度变迁理论,可以构建我国会计制度变迁的一般 理论 模型

  • Management for knowledge transfer within multinational corporations based on knowledge-embedded : theory model and empirical test

    基于知识嵌入性的跨国公司知识转移管理& 理论 模型与实证分析

  • The concept and the theory model of the virtual testing based on virtual reality are studied .

    研究了基于虚拟现实的虚拟测试技术的概念和 理论 模型

  • A theory model considering the isotropy roughness and static stator angular misalignment of dry gas seal was given .

    建立了考虑低速干气密封端面各向同性粗糙度和静环静态角偏差的 理论 模型

  • An Analysis of Enterprise 's International Competitiveness Based on the Five Dimensions Theory Model

    五维结构企业国际竞争力 理论 模型分析

  • Strategies of Commercial Bank on Small & Medium Size Enterprise Financing Business : An Analysis Based on Game Theory Model

    银行对中小企业融资的策略:基于 博弈 模型的分析

  • To obtain knowledge and data from incomplete decision table ( IDT ) the paper presents a new doubly variable precision limited tolerance rough set theory model ( VPLTRST ) .

    为了能够从不完备决策表(IDT)中进行知识发现和数据挖掘,提出一种新的具有对称性的双重可变精度限制容差关系粗 模型(VPLTRST)。

  • Structure-affinity Relationship Theory Model and Application of Interaction between Polyphenols and Serum Albumin

    多酚类化合物与血清白蛋白相互作用的结构&结合力关系、 理论 模型和应用研究

  • After surveying the cross section date in the society the supposition and theory model was confirmed and revised by structural equation model ( SEM ) .

    通过横截面数据调查,采用结构方程模型(SEM)的分析方法,对假设和 理论 模型进行验证和修正。

  • A Game Theory Model on the Financial Crisis with An Unique Bayesian Nash Equilibrium

    金融挤兑的一种博弈 模型描述与贝叶斯纳什均衡的唯一性

  • Objective : To discuss the theory model of dispositional optimism and develop the Dispositional Optimism Questionnaire for Chinese People .

    目的:探讨乐观人格倾向的 理论 模型,编制乐观人格倾向问卷。

  • Application of Grey Theory Model in Monitoring Mine Deformation

    灰色 理论 模型在矿山变形监测中的应用