therapeutic test


  • Objective To evaluate the role of acid inhibition therapeutic test with proton pump inhibitors ( PPI ) in the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) .

    目的评价胃食管反流病(GERD)诊断方法及质子泵抑制剂(PPI) 治疗 试验的价值。

  • TCM : After 12 weeks 24 weeks TCM Therapeutic two groups were compared by rank sum test there were significant differences ( P0.05 ) .

    中医证候:治疗后12周、24周两组进行中医 疗效比较,经秩和 检验,均有显著性差异(P0.05)。

  • So this paper develops an intelligent semi-conductor laser therapeutic apparatus and introduces its hardware structure and software design as well as its test and clinical application .

    介绍智能型半导体激光 治疗仪的硬件结构、软件设计以及仪器的 测试和临床应用,显示该仪器广阔的应用前景。

  • Observations on the cytogenetic effects of therapeutic doses of helium-neon laser by the micronucleus test

    激光 治疗剂量的细胞遗传学效应

  • Therapeutic Effects of Eye Movement Training Combined with Traction Test after Orbital Blowout Fracture

    眼眶爆裂性骨折 后眼球运动训练辅助被动牵拉 训练的效果

  • Susceptibility test effective dosage test safety test clinical therapeutic and preventive test and comparative therapeutic test with western medicine were all done by using self-made compound recipe of Chinese herbal medicine in colibacillosis of egg chickens .

    用自拟中草药复方对蛋雏鸡大肠杆菌病进行了病原菌体外药物敏感试验、中西药 疗效对比 试验及临床治疗和预防试验,并对自拟中草药复方进行了有效治疗剂量筛选试验和安全性试验。

  • Diagnosis mainly depens on looking for acid-fast bacilli measurement of anti-PPD IgG chest X-ray and therapeutic test . Short-course chemotherapy .

    诊断方法以找病原菌为主,辅以体液的抗PPD-IgG测定,胸部X线片和 治疗 试验等。

  • The therapeutic effect and its mechanism of anti-silica tablet a chinese medicine was studied by hemolysis test .

    本文利用溶血 试验方法探讨了中药抗矽片治疗矽肺的 疗效及作用机理。

  • The therapeutic regimen of the test is3HL2ZV / 5HL2V + Fei Lao Kang capsule and the control is 3HL2ZV / 5HL2V + the placebo of Fei Lao Kang capsule .

    试验组抗肺结核化疗方案 3HL2ZV/5HL2V+肺痨康胶囊;对照组化疗方案3HL2ZV/5HL2V+肺痨康胶囊安慰剂。

  • The therapeutic compliance in the test group was higher than that of the contrast group .

    护理 预后,两组比较有统计学意义(P<0.01), 实验治疗依从性明显高于对照组。

  • Objective : To explore the clinical therapeutic effect on the master single test or multiple irrigation of bladder with epirubicin to prevent first and recrudescent bladder carcinoma after operation .

    目的:探讨单次或多次 表阿霉素膀胱灌注对预防初发性膀胱癌与复发性膀胱癌术后复发的 疗效

  • We are Use the visual analogue scale ( VAS ) SF-MPQ score pain points Hamilton Depression Scale score as the integrated effect of therapeutic index test before and after each course of treatment and then record the scores .

    采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)、 SF-MPQ评分疼痛积分、汉密顿抑郁量表、综合疗效评分等为 疗效指标, 治疗前和每一个疗程治疗后,记录各项评分。

  • Methods : The antitumor effect of the therapeutic lipopeptide vaccine against cervical cancer by interferon - γ at the different concentration was investigated by cytotoxic test . The expression of HLA-A2 and CD54 on the tumor cell was detected by flow cytometry .

    方法:采用细胞毒性 试验观察不同剂量γ干扰素对宫颈癌 治疗 脂肽疫苗的抗肿瘤作用的影响,采用流式细胞术检测宫颈癌细胞HLA-A2分子和CD54的表达。

  • Regimen in therapeutic feeding design process if we can apply the principles for catering aided design and analysis of test results and adjust .

    食疗养生膳设计过程中如果能运用配餐学原理进行辅助设计和对结果进行 验证分析及调整。

  • Therapeutic and diagnostic application of LHRH stimulation test in precocious puberty

    LHRH激发 试验在儿童性早熟诊断及 治疗中的应用

  • Objective To investigate the clinical diagnostic and therapeutic meaning of the 2 type diabetes through the relativity research of glucose tolerance test with insulin release test .

    目的通过对糖耐量 试验与胰岛素释放试验相关性研究,探讨其对2型糖尿病的诊断与 治疗的临床意义。

  • Experimental Study on Characteristics of Eye-Movement of Primary and Secondary School Tennis Players Therapeutic Effects of Eye Movement Training Combined with Traction Test after Orbital Blowout Fracture

    中小学网球运动员眼动特征的实验研究眼眶爆裂性骨折 后眼球运动训练辅助被动牵拉 训练的效果

  • Prevention and Therapeutic Test on Neonate Piglet with Diarrhea Using EM Agent

    用EM 防治新生仔猪腹泻 试验

  • Methods The therapeutic schedules of Memantine and atropine were arranged according to the L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal test table . The survival time the loss of righting reflex and the latency of onset of muscle fasciculations were observed .

    方法根据正交实验设计原理,选用L9(34)正交表,以肌束震颤出现时间、翻正反射消失时间和存活时间为指标,分别 测试 美金刚和/或阿托品对敌敌畏染毒小鼠的 治疗效果。

  • The drug 0 # and 3 # have insignificant difference in the Therapeutic effect on Newcastle the disease virus and Coxsackievirus B3 between the test group and control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

    在柠檬提取物0及3对新城疫病毒和柯萨奇病毒B3的 治疗作用中, 实验组较对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

  • Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Bifidobiogen on Liver Cirrhosis with Double Blind Test

    回春生治疗肝硬化双盲 临床 疗效观察

  • The Diagnostic Strategy in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and the Role of Acid Inhibition Therapeutic Test

    胃食管反流病诊断方法及抑酸 治疗 试验 评价

  • Levofloxacin was selected as therapeutic drug considering selecting drug principle in the experiment and the result of drug-susceptibility test .

    从药敏 试验结果和本试验选药的原则,选择左旋氧氟沙星为 治疗药物。

  • I eyes for focal therapy ; Therapeutic Test of Caseous Lymphadenitis in Mice

    局限性光凝1眼;伪结核病的 治疗 试验

  • With the usage of broad spectrum antibiotics especially the third generation cephalosporins application more infectious diseases were controlled and obtained better therapeutic efficacy . On the other hand the overuse or abuse of antibiotics had made the clinic face a severe test gradually .

    广谱抗菌药物,尤其是第三、四代头孢菌素的应用,为临床抗感染 治疗作出贡献的同时,也逐步使其面临着严峻的 考验

  • The Distribution of TCM Syndrome in Acute Leukemia and Correlation with Western Medicine Index of ET Et and the Therapeutic Effect ; Toxoplasmosis Serological Test at Northern Regions in Xinjiang

    新疆地区急性白血病的中医证型与内皮素等指标及 疗效关系 研究