thermal activation


  • A quantitative relationship between dynamic fracture toughness and temperature and loading rate has been obtained through thermal activation analysis .

    通过 激活分析,可以获得定量描述动态断裂韧性、温度及加载速率之间的关系。

  • Study on Surface Thermal Activation of Coal-Gangue

    煤矸石颗粒表面 活化研究

  • Abstract In this paper we study the theory of vortex rings nucleation by thermal activation and quantum-tunneling in type - ⅱ superconductors .

    该文研究了第二类超导体中由量子与 激发引起的涡旋环成核理论。

  • Several exploitation methods for tapping NGH have been suggested such as thermal activation pressure releasing chemical inhibitor replacement and slurry mining .

    现有的多种天然气水合物开采方案,如 法、减压法、化学抑制剂法、置换法和混合开采法等。

  • A theoretically derived expression of the exchange current is presented by using the general expression of thermal activation theory . The calculated values of the exchange current of Fe and Ni electrodeposition are in agreement with the experimental ones .

    本文根据 活化理论的电流密度一般式得到了交换电流表达式,计算了Fe和Ni电化学沉积反应的交换电流,计算值与实验值基本一致。

  • Morphology does determine the thermal activation energy for recombination .

    表明 薄膜的形态的确决定复合的 活化能。

  • Effect of Multiplex Thermal Activation on Cementitious Behavior of Red Mud-Coal Gangue

    复合 活化对赤泥-煤矸石胶凝性能的影响

  • Thermal activation is determined by the irreversible magnetization of the hard phase .

    磁粘滞性表明 激活主要源于硬磁相的不可逆磁化行为。

  • Thermal stability of dating signals has been studied for the sample of gypsum from Lanzhou and Linxia basins of Gansu Province by using thermal activation technique and the experiments of the dehydration reaction from gypsum to anhydrite has been made .


  • Correlation between yield stress and strain rate for metallic materials and thermal activation approach

    金属材料屈服强度的应变率效应和 激活理论

  • Such a transition in the deformation mechanismarises from the suppression of the strain rate on thermal activation role .

    这种变形机制转变源于应变速率对 激活作用的压制。

  • Coal gangue was treated by two successive activations namely thermal activation and thermal-chemical activation to dissolve silicon and aluminum for the following synthesis of4A zeolites .

    对煤矸石进行热活化(一次活化),再进行 活化与化学活化复合的二次活化,以活化后溶出的硅铝为原料连续化合成了纯4A沸石;

  • Because of thermal activation singlet bipolaron will change into triplet bipolaron .

    由于 激发的作用,单态双极化子会转化为三态双极化子。

  • According to the mechanism the mechanical activation from MA and thermal activation from the second high-exothermic reaction system ( Ti-C ) are utilized for synthesizing of nanometer-sized TiC powder from low-cost TiO2 powders .

    在双重激活反应研磨机制中,利用MA过程中的机械激活作用以及所引入的Ti-C高放热反应体系所带来的 激活作用,以低成本的TiO2为原料合成纳米TiC粉末。

  • The thermal activation theory interpreted such a relationship and derived strain rate equation .

    利用 激活理论不仅解释了这一关系,还获得了应变速率方程,指出控制合金拉伸形变的微观机制是原子扩散过程。

  • There is a fracture transition caused by loading rate . Through thermal activation analysis a quantitative relationship was found .

    通过 激活分析,获得了断裂激活能以及与温度和加载速率相关的定量化关系。

  • The semiconductor behavior of the targets was investigated under the formula to the resistivity-temperature curve and the semiconductor conductive thermal activation model was employed of to calculate the thermal activation energy .

    对靶材的半导体导电行为根据公式计算了电阻率-温度曲线,并应用半导体导电的 激活模型的理论计算了热激活能。

  • Modification treatment of Chengde zeolite was conducted by means of addition of inorganic salt and fused-aqueous alkali or by thermal activation adsorption test was performed with simulated ammonia-nitrogen wastewater and the modification result and origin was further analyzed by means of XRD and SEM .

    通过盐改性、碱热熔-碱水 改性、 加热 活化等方法对承德沸石进行改性处理,用模拟氨氮废水进行了吸附实验,并采用XRD和SEM对其改性效果及原因进行了分析。

  • The thermal activation parameters of metals and alloys in the plastic deformation process are studied .

    本文研究了金属和合金塑性变形过程的 激活参量。

  • Thermal activation and radiation quenching effects in pre-dose dating of porcelain

    前剂量中的 激活和辐照熄灭研究

  • The experiments on thermal activation of red mudstone have been made and the colourity color stability and mechanical properties of red cement with red mudstone were tested .

    进行红泥岩的 活化试验,对红泥岩红色水泥的色度、彩稳定性及其力学性能进行测试。

  • Study of thermal activation characteristics ( TAC ) in pre-dose dating of Yue kiln porcelains from Shanglin Lake

    上林湖越窑瓷器前剂量测定年代中的 激活特性(TAC)研究

  • The thermal activation of coal gangue has the optimum activation temperature when keeping the same fineness ;

    在保持细度相同的情况下,对于煤矸石的 热力 活化存在最佳活化温度;

  • Through thermal activation analysis a quantitative relationship is worked out which can be used to describe the fracture process at different temperatures and loading rates .

    通过 激活 实验和分析,导出一个定量关系式,可以解释不用温度和不同加载速率条件下的断裂过程;

  • Coordination of Si and Al in the thermal activation and gelatification of gangue ;

    对煤矸石 活化及在不同条件下影响其活性的因素进行了系统的实验研究。

  • The NTC effect corresponded to thermal activation conduction mechanism while the PTC effect was related to the breakdown of conductive network caused by volume expansion .

    c时,阻温关系只呈现NTC效应,NTC效应对应 活化导电机理,而PTC效应取决于体积膨胀所引起的导电网络局部破坏有关。

  • The results show that the surface characteristics of silica gel carrier can be controlled by altering thermal activation conditions .

    实验结果表明:对聚烯烃催化剂载体硅胶表面特性的调控可通过改变 活化条件实现;