thermal incineration


  • Effect of Stacking and Fermenting on the Refuse Thermal Value in the Incineration Plant

    垃圾堆酵对 焚烧厂垃圾 热值的影响

  • On the basis of thermal computation of Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) incineration process a systematic research was conducted on the relationship between heat balance and energy recovery .

    以城市垃圾 焚烧过程的 热工计算为基础,深入研究了热平衡分析与能量回收之间的关系。

  • The paper reviews the technology of recovery and utilization of waste plastics in foreign countries such as reproductive utilization thermal pyrolysis for recovery of lower molecular weight chemicals and incineration for recovery of heat energy .

    介绍了国外废塑料再生利用、 分解回收低分子化合物和 焚烧回收热能的技术与方法。

  • Part I firstly according to the feature of domestic medical waste different types of thermal treatment equipments were analyzed and compared and found out that two-chamber rotary kiln incineration system is very suitable for medical waste treatment .

    第一部分,首先,根据我国医疗废物的特性,分析和比较各 处理设备的特点,认为回转窑二段 焚烧系统非常适合处理医疗废物。

  • The kinetic parameters for pyrolysis of MSW are important to the design and operation of thermal incineration systems .

    垃圾的 热解特性对 焚烧 的设计以及运行有着重要的意义。

  • By researching the organic refuse component thermal property and the second pollution from the incineration it is proved that the thermal treatment of the Chinese municipal organic refuse is feasible in the technology .

    对有机垃圾成分, 热力特性和 焚烧所产生的二次污染的研究,证实了:我国城市有机垃圾热力处理法在技术上是可行的。

  • Thermal Calculation Method on Incineration of Organic Liquid Waste and Influence Aspects on Auxiliary Fuel Consumed in Fluidized Bed Incinerator Analysis of the Blocking up of Waste-hent Boiler Tubes of Wastewater Incinerator and Countermeasures

    有机废液流化床 焚烧热力计算及辅助燃料耗量的影响因素丙烯腈废水焚烧炉余热锅炉积灰分析及处理方法

  • The group specialises in the design and supply of thermal oxidation / incineration technology for the treatment of waste gas and liquid process streams .

    空气或其他气体液化器集团侧重于设计和提供 氧化 焚烧技术处理废气和液体工艺物流。

  • A thermal calculation method of incineration of organic waste liquid in fluidizedbed with gas as auxiliary fuel is presented in this paper .

    建立了以燃气为辅助燃料、有机废液在流化床中 焚烧 热力计算方法。

  • Application of thermal incineration in treatment of tail gas from acrylonitrile unit

    高温 焚烧 技术在丙烯腈装置尾气处理中的应用