thermal drift

[ˈθɚməl drɪft][ˈθə:məl drift]


  • Compensation of Thermal Drift and Simulation of Performance of the Absolute Pressure Sensor

    绝压式BESOI负压传感器研制绝压传感器 补偿及性能仿真

  • The thermal offset drift of pressure sensor is caused by the non-equality distributing of the temperature of the sensor configuration .

    力敏电阻条工作时的发热造成传感器温度分布的不均匀,造成压力传感器的 零点 漂移

  • The sensors have been used in a pressure detection system with the sensitivity of 56050 mV / MPa zero drift of less than 0.1mV/h and thermal drift of 0.013 % / ℃ .

    该传感器已用于充压检漏系统,其灵敏度达到56050mV/MPa.零漂小于0.1mV/h, 灵敏度 漂移为0.013%/℃。

  • The piezoresistive coefficient of silicon is a function of temperature and so the thermal zero drift and thermal sensitivity drift occur in piezoresistive pressure sensor that is the main reason of causing measurement accuracy reducing .

    但由于扩散硅的压阻系数是温度的函数,使得压阻式压力传感器存在 零点温度 漂移和灵敏度温度漂移,这是影响压力检测系统测量精度的主要原因。

  • The experiment result shows that the inner thermal source has the same effect as the external thermal source in causing gyro drift . Thermal effects affect the bias mainly by temperature temperature rate and temperature gradient .

    实验表明:外部 温度变化与内部发热对陀螺 漂移有着相同的效果,热效应主要以温度、温度速率与温度梯度方式影响零漂。

  • Two angle sensors with compensate devices which compensating thermal drift of the light source are developed and calibrated by themselves .

    采用补偿技术制作了一对角度传感器,可以克服光源 漂移带来的影响,并进行了标定。

  • Due to the wide band gap high thermal conductivity and large electron saturation drift rate in electrical properties Silicon carbide is showing great potential and broad market prospects .

    碳化硅具有带隙宽、 热导率高、电子饱和 漂移速率大等优异的电学性能,正展现出巨大的发展潜力和广阔的市场前景,因此近年来对碳化硅的研究非常热门。

  • Dynamic test for the thermal sensitivity drift of the accelerometer

    加速度传感器 灵敏度 漂移的动态测试

  • Results show that thermal drift along Z axis is the greatest contributor to the spindle thermal error which can reach about 50 μ m with an error of 1.0 μ m.

    实验结果表明, 立式加工中心主轴热误差沿Z轴方向最大,约为50μm,测量误差约为10μm。

  • The system can automatically compensate and calibrate the pressure sensor 's zero point error sensitivity error and thermal drift .

    该系统能对压力传感器的零点误差、灵敏度误差和 温度 漂移进行自动的补偿校正。

  • In addition an expression to show the relation between thermal drift of the offset and the reverse leakage current is presented which is different from the traditional one .

    讨论了 造成 电阻 非线性、电 漂移、漏电流的各种 因素,还提出一个表明零点 漂移和反向漏电流之间与传统公式不同的关系式。

  • The calculation results show that the normalized polynomial-match for non-linear function and neural network can match experimental data more accurate than other arithmetic methods for compensating the offset thermal drift of pressure sensor .

    结果表明,非线性函数多项式拟合规范化方法和神经网络法拟合出的数据精度很高,取得了其他方法无法达到的 补偿效果。

  • On Compensating for Thermal Drift of Mechanical Gyroes

    精密机械陀螺 漂移的一种软件补偿方法的研究

  • The transducer is combined with low thermal sensitivity drift and thermal zero drift good linearity and almost the same slope all of these make it easier to compensate the transducer .

    传感器 灵敏度 及热零点温漂具有良好的线性,且斜率基本一致,便于进行补偿。

  • The thermal drift curves were measured with different ranges of grid voltages .

    测出了不同范围内的栅极电压下的 温度 漂移曲线。

  • The pressure sensors processed with this new technology have a good performance with a small thermal drift and can resist the boiling water and oil attack and 150 ℃ temperature shock .

    用这一封接技术制备的压力传感器有良好的技术性能, 漂移小且能耐沸水、耐油,耐150℃热冲击。

  • Simulating the Properties of Electric and Thermal Drift of the Bridge Offset of Pressure Sensors

    压力传感器零点电 漂移 漂移特性的模拟

  • Compensate the large offset thermal drift by using the automatic balance bridge is discussed .

    论述了利用并联自平衡电桥的方法补偿 大热 零点 漂移的问题,主要分析了自平衡电桥的性质、补偿原理、补偿线路的原理及补偿效果。

  • A Resistor Network for Compensating Thermal Zero Drift of a Silicon Pressure Transducer

    一种补偿 扩散硅压力传感器零点 的电阻网络

  • Anomalous electron thermal conductivity based on drift wave instabilities

    漂移波不稳定性引起的反常电子 热导的估计

  • The program PSPICE is used for simulating the bridge circuit of pressure sensor with the nonlinear resistor model to show properties of electric drift as well as thermal drift .

    利用PSPICE程序结合非线性电阻模型来模拟压力传感器的电桥电路,可显示 零点电漂移和 漂移特性。

  • So constant temperature equipment which be controlled by P was adapted in thermal compensation to solve the problem of the thermal drift and to overcome the compensation deviation margin that produced by adapting the compensation in segments .

    所以在温度补偿中采用了比例自动控制的一个恒温装置来克服解决 温度 漂移,也克服了常采用的分段补偿所带来的补偿误差。

  • And the thermal drift curves were measured in different ranges of grid voltages in order to work out compensatory temperature-voltage curves which eliminated the thermal drift .

    按照试验结果作出了在以上四个栅极电压范围内的温度 漂移曲线,并在 温度 漂移曲线的基础上作出了理想的消除了漂移的温度-电压曲线。

  • Besides this compensation method could also be used to calibrate AFM image distortion caused by thermal drift during scanning . ( 3 ) To further improve the efficiency .

    此外,该方法还能够用于校正由 漂移引起的原子力显微镜图像失真,提高图像测量的准确性。

  • Through the experiment with the circuits thermal drift of TYZ-3 intelligent soil nutrition gauge J-type field effect transistor ( JFET ) was found as the major cause of circuits thermal drift .

    本文简要综述了国内外的电路 温度 补偿方法,对TYZ-3智能型土壤养分测试仪的温度漂移进行了试验研究。

  • We introduce how to choose activating voltage for pressure sensor analyze output voltage characteristic of an integrated regulate circuit vs input voltage and the principles to eliminate thermal drift of the offset and in the same time make it zero furthermore did experiments to verify the principles .

    本文介绍应怎样选择其激励电压值,同时分析了集成稳压电路的电压输入输出特性以及利用它对传感器供电消除 零点 漂移同时又使零点偏移为零,并用实验加以验证。

  • This type of pressure sensors can avoid the influence on signal from the mounting stress thermal drift so it can be used at temperatures of 500 ~ 1000 ℃ .

    这种传感器可避免封装应力及 漂移对信号的影响,因而可在500~1000℃的高温下使用。

  • Method for Compensating Zero Point Output and Thermal Zero Drift for a Silicon Pressure Transducer

    额定( 温升);硅压力传感器零点及 零点 补偿的新方法

  • Research on Compensating Method for Thermal Sensitivity Drift of Silicon Pressure Transducer

    扩散硅压力传感器 灵敏度 漂移补偿方法的研究

  • As an important semiconductor material AlN has a bright future in the microelectronic and optoelectronic fields with its unique combination of properties such as wide bandgap high breakdown field high thermal conductivity and high saturated electron drift velocity .

    AlN是一种重要的半导体材料,由于具有宽带隙、高临界击穿电场、 高热导率、高载流子饱和 漂移速度等优越的特性,在微电子和光电子领域具有广泛的应用前景。