


  • The WHO pointed out in its annual report that an effective therapeutic method has till now yet not found in traditional therapeutics of tumors .

    世界卫生组织(WHO)曾在年度报告中指出:到目前为止,肿瘤传统 治疗 方法中,还未找到有效的治疗方法。

  • Objective To observe the therapeutics of transcatheter pelvic arterial chemotherapy and embolization in the treatment of malignant trophoblastic tumor .

    目的经盆腔动脉内灌注化疗及 栓塞术对恶性滋养细胞肿瘤疗效观察。

  • The fact that therapeutics targeting these signaling pathways are still lagging is not surprising .

    事实上,针对这些信号通路的 疗法仍然滞后也就不足为奇了。

  • The healing arts are : food living habit medicine and outside therapeutics .

    疗愈的艺术有:事物,生活习惯,医学和户外 疗法

  • Following modern therapeutics of time has broad prospects in clinical medicine especially punishment of difficult and complicated cases .

    应运而生的现代时间 治疗学具有广阔的前景,特别是对于疑难杂症的处治更具有重要的临床意义。

  • How these biological findings may inform regenerative medicine and stem-cell biology and therapeutics will be considered and discussed .

    这些生物的研究结果可能如何告知再生医学和干细胞生物学和 疗法,将审议和讨论。

  • Text narrate Tuina ( Chinese massage-traumatology ) therapeutics early days develop with recent years develop situation at Taiwan .

    本文说明推拿 疗法在台湾地区初期发展与近年发展情况。

  • Empirical Study and Clinical Observation on the Therapeutics of Arousing Brain and Eliminating Phlegm in Vascular Dementia

    醒神祛痰法 治疗血管性痴呆的实验研究与临床观察

  • Hence it is not surprising that treatment of mitochondrial dysfunction and development of mitochondrion-targeted therapeutics have become a primary focus of scientific research .

    因此,治疗线粒体功能障碍以及开发定位于线粒体的 疗法已成为科学研究的首要重点不足为奇。

  • The Application Value of ERCP in Diagnoses and Therapeutics for Cholangiocarcinoma by Endoscopy

    ERCP技术在胆管癌消化内镜 诊治中的应用价值

  • Impotent allusive therapeutics is a kind of psychotherapy .

    阳痿的暗示 疗法是心理疗法的一种。

  • A clinical study on effect of complex therapeutics in treatment of background diabetic retinopathy

    综合 治疗单纯性糖尿病视网膜病变的临床研究

  • Lung neoplasms Epidermal growth factor receptor Genes mutation Protein-tyrosine kinases Therapeutics ;

    肺肿瘤;表皮生长因子受体;基因;突变;酪氨酸蛋白激酶; 治疗

  • Objective It is to explore the effective therapeutics on cervicitis infected by chlamydial trachomatis ( CT ) .

    目的探讨由沙眼衣原体(CT)感染的宫颈炎的有效 治疗 方法

  • The remedial method of contagious soft wart is much and soft wart uses simple infectivity commonly local therapeutics can .

    传染性软疣的治疗方法多且简单传染性软疣一般用局部 疗法即可。

  • The discovery is hoped to facilitate the development of novel therapeutics for prostate cancer .

    这个发现有望促进前列腺癌新 治疗 方法的发展。

  • Therapeutics is considered in virtually all textbooks of medicine but often superficially .

    事实上所有内科 教科书都提到 治疗说,不过内容通常较为简浅而已。

  • Results : the factors affected the prognosis of the patients were age therapeutics biochemistry data and complications .

    结果: 重型肝炎的预后受多种因素影响,其主要影响因素为:年龄; 治疗 方法;生化指标;并发症。

  • This paper discusses two methods preventing examination anxiety : cognitive therapeutics and behavior therapeutics .

    考试焦虑的防治疗法主要有两种:认知 疗法和行为疗法。

  • First approved in1998 it 's part of a class of asthma and allergy drugs that includes AstraZeneca PLC 's Accolate and Critical Therapeutics Inc. 's Zyflo .

    欣流“于1998年首次通过审议。同阿斯利康公司的”安可来“和紧急 治疗公司的”奇摩“一样,是一种治疗哮喘和过敏的一流药物。

  • Objective To compare the therapeutic effects of three blood purification therapeutics in the treatment of uremic pruritus .

    目的比较三种血液净化 方式对慢性肾衰顽固性皮肤瘙痒的治疗效果。

  • The unit is focused on nursing therapeutics and treatments used to assist individuals in the restoration of health .

    课程重点是采用护理 疗法和处理方法帮助患者恢复健康。

  • New epidemiological data and multicenter studies are ushering in the era of evidence-based pediatric resuscitation therapeutics .

    新的流行病学数据和多中心研究正走向一个循证的小儿复苏 治疗 的新时代。

  • Clinical observation of different blood purification therapeutics in the treatment of uremia pruritus

    不同血液净化 方法治疗尿毒症并发皮肤瘙痒的临床观察

  • Study in comprehensive therapeutics of peripheral facial neuritis treated with acupuncture pick a date to get involved

    针刺疗法择期介入综合 治疗周围性面神经炎的研究

  • To investigate the therapeutics effect on acne by Pricking blood adding cupping therapy on pressure points on back .

    目的:对电针、 毫针、刺血和穴位注射四种针法的镇痛效应 下丘脑镇痛 机制进行比较研究。

  • Emphasis was given to a technique of in vivo blood magnetic therapeutics for high glutinosity disease and its curative effects .

    介绍了血液磁疗技术的历史和现状,重点介绍了由我们开发的在体血液 磁疗技术和实验结果。

  • The findings Lambris says provide a molecular scaffold for designing novel drug therapeutics .

    拉姆布瑞斯博士说,这一发现为设计新的 治疗药物提供了分子骨架摸板。