


  • Write To save your changes use thew command .

    写把你的变化存档,使用 w指令。

  • We have to study the expressing characters of Suzhou woodcut from its image characters and it is an effective way to compare the depiction in thew .

    所以,要从图象特征上研究苏州版画的表现特点,将版画描绘与 实景对照来 揭示是一种有效的方法。

  • Thew bus is coming ; Please get ready .

    车来了,请大家准备 上车

  • Using the thew and means of science the author investigated the structure of coaches ' motivation and made further discussion in the management .

    本文借助 行为科学 理论和方法,通过调查进一步剖析教练员的动机结构,并对管理工作进行了探讨。

  • Conclusion : it is easy to obtain onjisapomin and thew method of identification is simple and rapid .

    结论:此方法易制得远志皂苷且 测定方法简单、迅速、灵敏度高。

  • Conclusion hyaluronidase pharmaceutics is effective in treating thew swelling resulting vein infusion leakage and excelled the clinically common used 10 % bitter salt wet packing it 's could be widely used in clinical practice .

    结论透明质酸酶制剂治疗药物静脉外渗 所致肿胀具有良好效果,明显优于临床常用的10%硫酸镁湿敷法,可广泛应用于临床。

  • Introduces the process principles of500 t MAERZ lime kiln and thew riter modified the some improper designs on foreign drawing during designing .

    主要论述了 迈尔兹双膛竖窑的生产工艺及在转化设计中对外方图纸设计不当处的改进。