third dimension

[θə:d dɪˈmɛnʃən][θɜ:d diˈmenʃən]


  • I make the third dimension MASK by the same step .

    我创作的 三维面具也是这个步骤。

  • When you have left the third Dimension after the Shift the Light Beings will be the ones who will move you into the light-bodied system .

    当你已经在转移之后离开第 空间的时候,将会是那些光的存有移动你进入光的身体的系统之内。

  • The key to understanding the third dimension lies in the fourth dimension .

    四维 空间是了解 三维空间的关键。

  • Although the third dimension is beyond their comprehension they can clearly see the waves traveling on the pond 's surface .

    虽然第 层面是超出他们的理解,他们可以清楚地看到海浪在池塘的水面行驶。

  • The third dimension delves into other performance factors such as organizational process and technology issues that might impact the supply chain and also into understanding people-related factors such as skill knowledge and ability that will be critical to the success of the project .


  • There are many worlds beyond what you can see in the third dimension through your physical presence .

    然而,在你们的肉体能够看到的 三维世界之外,还有着许多个世界。

  • In the third dimension we connect to energy through our feelings linking the energies of the first four chakras .

    三维 中,我们通过我们自身的感受与能量连接,连接到我们前四个脉轮的能量场。

  • The larger the image appears in the crystal ball - the closer the time line for it to manifest in third dimension - and the more important the information is .

    出现在水晶球的图像越大-事情在 三维 空间显现的时间线越接近-信息也就更重要。

  • Then if the molecules slow in vibration the form can return from the fifth to the third dimension .

    然后,如果分子振动减慢,形态又从第五维度返回到第 维度

  • Consciousness spirals as if from the top of a pyramid-down to third dimension .

    意识成螺旋状下降好像从金字塔的顶端下到 三维空间。

  • How do you achieve depth or that third dimension in a stereo image ?

    你是如何在立体声声像里面营造深度和 立体 的?

  • AAM : And the biggest part of that is do not take the rules the ideas the belief systems of the Third Dimension and attempt in any way shape or form to apply them elsewhere .

    最主要的一部分是不要设置规则和意图,信仰系统,和 维度的任何方式。

  • Although the academic branch of metaphysics is most concerned about the nature of ultimate reality popular metaphysical topics often include discussion and analysis of subjects beyond the physical third dimension .

    尽管学院派的形而上学最关心终极实在的本质问题,但通俗的形而上学论题经常包括对超越 三维物质事物的讨论和分析。

  • This reflects the emotionals aspects of third dimension - love very fear and hate .

    这投射出 维度的情感外貌&爱非常畏惧,还有憎恨。

  • You have a choice : you either evolve or remain a slave in the third dimension .

    你们一直都有选择的机会:你是进化,还是停留在第 维度的奴隶状态。

  • A third dimension has been recently added that of service .

    最近又提出了 方面的需求,即服务的需要。

  • Darkness or the space between has a structure and a function in the third dimension and all dimensions that sustain physicality .

    在第 密度和其他所有维系形体的密度中,黑暗或两极空间拥有一个结构与功能。

  • Little by little the third dimension becomes less real to you .

    渐渐地, 3 维度对你来说变得不再那么真实。

  • In this way the third dimension also reflects the element of time measured in number of clicks needed to reach each level .

    这样一来, 空间也反映了点选到每一个层次所需衡量时间的因素。

  • This is the null zone and marks the shift from the third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension .

    这是零的地域,从第 空间转移到第四度空间的标记。

  • You will literally be leaving the Third Dimension and caught up in the Fourth Dimensions with the Photon Energy mixing in .

    你将藉由光子能量参与进来而真正地离开第 空间追上第四度空间。

  • And emotion is not a feeling ; it is the movement of energy which is the quality it expresses in the third dimension .

    并且情绪也不仅只是一种感受,它是能量的流动,这便是它在 三维 中体现的品质。

  • The image on the paper seems to have a third dimension .

    纸上的图像看起来有 立体

  • Here on the Earth in the third dimension is sickness the only successful way to change people 's way of thinking but not at that place .


  • Just like we added a third dimension to the square .

    就像在正方形上加入 三维 一样。

  • Since the triangulation and trilateration observations do not contain much information in the third dimension the ellipsoidal heights of the remaining stations are introduced as observed parameters .

    因为三角测量和三边测量术观察没有包括 方面的信息,所以介绍余下的站台的椭圆体高度作为观测参量。