thoracic cavity

[θəˈræsɪk ˈkævɪti][θɔ(:)ˈræsik ˈkæviti]


  • Parapneumonic effusion ; Bacterial culture ; Closed thoracic cavity drainage ;

    肺炎旁胸腔积液;细菌学培养; 胸腔引流;

  • Trachea ( or windpipe ): Tube in the throat and upper thoracic cavity through which air passes in respiration .

    气管:喉部以及 胸腔上部的管子,呼吸时让空气通过。

  • Objective To summarize the effects of secondary surgical treatment for simple infection of the thoracic cavity after esophageal and lung operation .

    目的回顾性总结手术治疗食管、肺术后单纯 胸膜 感染的效果。

  • The Impact of Mechanical Ventilation on Pulse Oximetry in Thoracic Cavity

    机械通气对 胸腔内脉搏氧饱和度的影响

  • Synchronous Thoracic Cavity Filling with HCPT and rhIL-2 by Fine Chest Catheterization for 30 Cases with Malignant Pleural Effusion

    经细胸管同期灌注HCPT、rhIL-2治疗恶性 胸腔积液30例

  • Objective Minimally invasive discuss the way and curative effect Clear away operation in the thoracic cavity and water bottle treat acute empyema .

    目的:探索微创 廓清术加吹自制水瓶治疗急性脓胸的最佳方法和疗效。

  • Analysis of micro-invasive closed drainage of thoracic cavity in treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with spontaneous pneumothorax

    慢性阻塞性肺病并发自发性 气胸微创闭式引流术治疗分析

  • The lungs themselves are passive only inflating and deflating because the walls and floor of the thoracic cavity move .

    肺脏他们自己是被动的,仅仅膨胀和紧缩因为 胸部 行动的墙壁和地板。

  • The domestic rabbit has no pathology after dissecting thoracic cavity which infected the virus in55d .

    经病毒感染55天后家兔解剖 胸腔无病理变化。

  • Objective To investigate the cause development mechanism and utility treatment of thoracic cavity hemorrhoea after the closed drainage for spontaneous pneumothorax .

    目的了解自发性气胸闭式引流术后 胸腔大出血的原因、发生机制及有效治疗方法。

  • This means that if you shoot a hand size group to the thoracic cavity it will grow in a real gunfight to at least twice as large a group .

    这意味着,如果你平时训练时,能打出一个手掌大小的弹组,那在真正 枪战时,分布的弹组至少要增大两倍以上。

  • Conclusion Closed drainage of thoracic cavity with tubule is an effective way to treat pneumothorax .

    结论细管 胸腔闭式引流是一种较好的治疗气胸的方法。

  • One case of thoracic cavity subcutaneous and parotid gland infection with Sparganosis mansoni


  • Clinical Research of Implanting Fine-gastric Tube into Thoracic Cavity Guided by Type C Trocar to Treat Malignant Pleural Effusion

    应用C型套管针辅助胸腔内置入细胃管治疗恶性 胸腔积液的临床研究

  • Pulmonary ventilation : airways alveoli respiratory membrane and thoracic cavity .

    实现肺通气的结构基础与功能:呼吸道、 肺泡、呼吸膜;

  • Clinical Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Thoracic Cavity Injection of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Agent in Malignant Pleural Effusion

    铜绿假单胞菌制剂腔内治疗恶性 胸腔积液的疗效观察

  • Methods The clinical data of48 cases who were performed esophagogastric intramural anastomosis in thoracic cavity were analyzed and studied .

    对48例施行 胸腔食管-胃壁内吻合术患者的临床资料进行分析研究。

  • Research of the curative effect of clear away operation in the thoracic cavity and water bottle in treatment of acute empyema


  • Conclusions Dual-source CT with fast scanning speed and high spatial resolution can demonstrate the exact site of the pulmonary embolism and evaluate the lesions of thoracic cavity lung and heart .

    结论双源CT扫描速度快,空间分辨率高,可以准确显示肺栓塞部位,并且可以同时评价 胸腔、肺内及心脏的变化。

  • Observation and nursing care of spontaneous pneumothorax patients accepting closed drainage of thoracic cavity by deep vein tube detaining

    深静脉留置管 胸腔闭式引流治疗自发性气胸的观察与护理

  • Objective To manage clinical study of transplantation of thoracic cavity of peduneulated greater omentum to cure major residual cavity chronic pyopneumothorax .

    目的探讨带蒂大网膜 移植术治疗残腔较大的慢性脓胸的临床研究。

  • Non-invasive Ventilator ; Closed Drainage of Thoracic Cavity ; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease ; Respiratory Failure ; Hydrothorax ;

    无创呼吸机; 胸腔闭式引流;慢性阻塞性肺病;呼衰;胸腔积液;

  • Observation on Treatment of 23 Patients with the Non-small Cell Lung Cancer ( NSCLC ) Malignant Pleural Effusion by Pouring the Adye Injection into the Thoracic Cavity

    艾迪注射液 胸腔灌注治疗非小细胞性肺癌恶性胸水临床观察

  • Caused by a staph infection in your thoracic cavity .

    因为你的 胸腔感染了葡萄球菌。

  • Objective : To investigate the diagnostic value of ultrasound and ultrasound-guided18G cutting needle biopsy in peripheral thoracic cavity tumor .

    目的:探讨超声检查以及超声引导穿刺18G切割针活检在外围型 胸腔肿块诊断的应用价值。

  • Surgery in which the thoracic cavity is opened to expose the heart and the blood is recirculated and oxygenated by a heart-lung machine .

    心内直视外科,开心手术:打开 胸腔以暴露心脏的手术,然后通过人工心肺机来供血和氧。

  • The activity features of thoracic cavity both in rest respiration and forced respiration .

    平静与用力呼吸时 运动的特点。

  • The inferior vena cava returns deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the right atrium and it enters the lower portion of this chamber-only a very small bit of the inferior vena cava traverses the thoracic cavity .

    下腔静脉把来自下半身的去氧血返回右心房,因为它开口于右心房的下部&只有很小一段下腔静脉通过 胸腔