third world

[θə:d wɜrld][θɜ:d wɜː(r)ld]


  • Both our countries belong to the Third World .

    我们两国同属 世界

  • What will be the real impact of the slowdown on third world countries ?

    经济放缓对 世界国家将有什么真正的影响?

  • The salient feature of the third world was that it wanted economic and political clout .


  • As part of the research and development strategy the CEO travels to a Third World nation .

    为了研究发展的策略,这总裁旅行到一个 世界的国家。

  • ' Third World ' is an abstraction a form of shorthand


  • A new third world in which to redeem the sins of the west .

    一个 世界 国家,西方想赎回他们的罪。

  • No I don 't mass third world immigration shows the contempt our government has for the British public .

    不,我不相信它。大量 世界的移民到来,表明了我们政府对英国公众的蔑视。

  • What is this third world nation bollocks ?

    这是什么?是什么 世界的胡说八道吗?

  • This course explores how globalization impacts everyday life in the First and Third World ;

    此课程探讨全球化如何影响第一和 世界的日常生活;

  • We must help the people in Third World countries .

    我们一定要帮助 世界国家的人们。

  • The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system .

    西方资本主义的扩张将 世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。

  • In many Third World regions land reform remains a prerequisite for development .

    在许多 世界 国家中土地改革仍然是经济发展的一个先决条件。

  • We are very pleased that third world countries have put forward the question of South-South cooperation .

    我们很高兴 世界的国家提出南南合作问题。

  • Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been .

    很多 世界国家仍和过去一样穷困。

  • The Third World member countries in the United Nations have increased .

    在联合国中, 世界的成员增加了。

  • At the same time the so-called Third World of developing nations tested our intellectual and political understanding .

    与此同时,由发展中国家组成的所谓 世界也在考验我们理智上和政治上的领悟力。

  • There is no conflict of fundamental interests among the third world countries .


  • Pollution violence and poverty characterize many Third World cities .

    污染、暴力和贫穷成了许多 世界城市的特征。

  • In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms .

    在向国际货币基金组织所作的一次言辞激烈的演讲中,他敦促 世界国家实行彻底改革。

  • Then the educational system can actually perpetuate and even increase inequality in third world nations .

    那么, 世界国家的教育体制在事实上就保持甚至加剧了不平等。

  • This is in the common interest of the third world .

    这是 世界的共同利益。

  • The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe 's leaders on third world debt

    坎特伯雷大主教就 世界的债务问题向欧洲的领导人发出了警告。

  • China believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between third world countries .

    中国认为 世界国家的分歧是有是有非,有曲有直的。

  • We understand the circumstances in many countries particularly in third world countries .

    我们对许多国家特别是第 世界国家的境遇也是理解的。

  • China is a developing socialist country belonging to the third world .

    中国是一个发展中的属于第 世界的社会主义国家。

  • China belongs to the third world .

    中国属于第 世界

  • Many of the so-called Western economic models and theories are inappropriate for the study of Third World development .

    许多所谓西方经济模式和理论不适用于研究第 世界的发展。

  • The West has artificially depressed the market for third world commodities .

    西方国家已人为地抑制了对 世界商品的需求量。

  • The West exported capital and manufactures to the third world .

    西方国家向第 世界输出资本和产品。

  • China is a country belonging to the third world .

    中国是属于第 世界的一个国家。