third force

[θə:d fɔrs][θɜ:d fɔ:s]


  • The Third Stress Force for the Formation and Evolution of the Landform & Meteorite Impact Force

    地貌形态形成和发展的 &陨击力

  • Officialdom bloc was formed in the East Han Dynasty and appeared on the historical stage as the third political force in the latter part of the Han Dynasty .

    士族集团形成于东汉,并于东汉后期作为第 种政治 力量登上了历史舞台;

  • There is much talk these days of the internet being the third force in broadcasting along side the radio and television .

    现在有不少人都认为,互联网将是与无线电台和电视共存的,广播业的 势力

  • Especially the 1960s saw the awakening of ethnic consciousness of the Native people the tumultuous nationalism of Quebec and the increasing strength of a Third Force in Canada .

    特别是在二十世纪六十年代经历了土著人民民族意识的觉醒,魁北克民族独立运动的风起云涌,和加拿大 势力力量的增长之后,特鲁多政府将多元文化政策引入加拿大。

  • The government and its backers are now scraping together a third force the auxiliary police recruited locally and trained for just two weeks before being deployed .

    政府与其支持者如今在聚积第 力量,备用警察于本地招募,部署之前仅受训两周。

  • After its 10 years ' development urban commercial banks have become the third largest force in banking industry in China .

    经过10年的发展,城市商业银行已成为我国银行业发展的 力量

  • The third great force for economic growth in this region is the limitless potential of free people .

    此地区内经济增长的 动力是自由人民的无限潜力。

  • However in our country labor relations in practice the government in labor relations as a third force in the role of the phenomenon of dislocation and absence is very serious .

    然而,在我国的劳资关系实践中,政府在劳资关系中作为第 力量的角色缺位和错位的现象十分严重。

  • In addition to market and state there exists the third force that is used to allocate resources i.e the third allocation mechanism as defined in this paper .

    对资源的配置除市场和国家外还存在着第 力量,即本文所提出的第三配置。

  • India 's 15th Parliament Election and the Rise of the Third Force

    印度第15届议会选举和 势力的崛起

  • Humanistic psychology which mounted on the stage of history as the third force of psychology emphasizes the importance of taking human beings as foundation in the highly advanced modern society and regards a person as whole subjective and peculiar .

    以心理学 势力登上历史舞台的人本主义心理学,强调在物质高度发达的现代社会中以人为本的重要性,并认为人是整体的人、自主的人、独特的人。

  • A Study of the Third Inertia Force and Crosswise Vibrations of 12V Diesel Engine with Articulated Connecting-Rods

    12V主副连杆式柴油机惯性力及其振动的研究& 阶惯性 及横向振动

  • Humanistic psychology which was praised the third force in psychology has much deeply influenced the west contemporary education and has become a very influential humanistic education thought .

    被誉为心理学 势力的人本主义心理学对当代西方教育产生了极为深刻的影响,形成了一股势力强大的人本主义教育思潮。

  • Obtains them through the quantitative analysis to rural labor force shift influence size sorting the economic agent arranges at the first place next is the technical factor the third is labor force own factor the fourth is the system factor .

    通过定量分析得出它们对农村劳动力转移的影响程度大小的排序,经济因素排在首位,其次是科技因素,第 劳动力自身因素,第四位是制度因素。

  • The experimental data also show that third order wave force may be greater than the second order one when the wave frequency is high and is therefore an important component of nonlinear wave force .

    实验中成功地得到了二阶倍频压力和二阶倍频力,也得到了一些平均二阶压力的结果。实验结果显示了在高频时 阶波浪 大于二阶波浪力的现象。

  • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization says it plans to withdraw about a third of its force in Kosovo by next year because the security situation has improved .

    北大西洋公约组织说,它计划到明年前从科索沃撤离大约 之一的北约 部队,因为当地的安全局势有所改进。

  • This study is a deep society-oriented exploration of a new model of public security administration in special trades participated by the third force and based on the socialization theory .

    本文研究主要是以社会化为取向,较为深入的探讨基于社会化理论的、引入 力量参与的特种行业治安管理新模式。

  • Public forces helping each other means the regulating effect of the third force .

    祉会互助,主要是发挥 力量的调节作用。

  • Constitutional Movement of the Third Force before the September 18th Incident

    九·一八前 势力宪政运动初探

  • From the Third Force to NATO The Change of equipollence of the Britain after the World War ⅱ

    从第 力量到北大西洋联盟&战后初期英国均势政策的变化

  • The theory of self-actualization is an important part of Maslow 's psychology . to some extent we can say that it is the theory of self-actualized that make Maslow 's psychology different from other psychology and become the Third Force of modern psychology .

    自我实现者理论是马斯洛心理学的重要组成部分,在一定程度上,马斯洛心理学就是因其自我实现者理论而不同于其它的心理学而成为心理学上的 思潮

  • A third force the role means our government is no longer the direct relationship between the participants no longer direct management of the production of the enterprise and distribution activities no longer a government undertake the labor obtain employment that integrates and distribution system .


  • The exist of the space of The Third Force in Taiwan ;

    岛内 势力空间的存在;

  • The intellectual whose major member is university professor in shanghai created the magazine times and articles . They raised the flag of the middle route and became the third important force .

    以上海的一批高校教授为主体的知识分子在上海创办《时与文》杂志,他们高举中间路线的大旗,成为第 方面的一 重要 力量

  • New york 's liberal party-a powerful third force in New York politics .

    纽约自由党&纽约政坛上强有力的 力量

  • It is urgent for us to adopt right attitudes towards students ' status and rights in the reform which is indeed a third force besides government and market .

    如何正确对待高校后勤社会化中除了政府和市场之外的 势力&学生在改革中的地位与权利,成为我们迫切需要解决的核心问题。

  • The Third Force in the Evolution of Psychology

    心理学发展中的 势力&人本主义心理学探析