this afternoon

[ðɪs ˌæftɚˈnun][ðis ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n]


  • What will we do this afternoon ?

    今儿 下午干吗?

  • He really shone in this afternoon 's match .

    今天 下午比赛中他可露脸了。

  • She 'll call on you this afternoon .

    今天 下午要来见你。

  • I am going to take the parcel to the post office this afternoon .

    今天 下午我打算去邮局寄包裹。

  • The funeral will be carried out this afternoon at 3.00

    葬礼将在 今天 下午3点举行。

  • He had been riding in Hyde Park but felt unwell as he was being driven back to his office late this afternoon .

    他一直在海德公园骑自行车,后来感到不舒服,近 黄昏时被人开车送回办公室。

  • ' I 'll be there this afternoon . ' — ' When ? '

    “我 今天 下午会去那里。”——“什么时间?”

  • We have no lessons this afternoon .

    我们 今天 下午没课。

  • Please notify everyone of the meeting this afternoon .


  • I think we 'd all agree that you turned your negotiating skills to very good account in this afternoon 's meeting .

    我想我们看法一致,认为你在 今天 下午的会议上充分发挥了你的谈判技巧。

  • I saw her this afternoon .

    半晌 我见她来着。

  • We can only finish half of it this afternoon at best .

    今天 下午我们充其量只能完成一半。

  • If I whip through the work this afternoon I 'll be able to go home early .

    如果我 今天 下午赶着把工作做完,就能早回家。

  • Oh those books ! I meant to put them away before this afternoon .

    哦,那些书!我本来要在 下午之前收起来的。

  • Do you know what ? I 'm going to the circus this afternoon .

    你知道吗?我 下午要去看马戏。

  • They 'll have a meeting this afternoon .

    他们 下午开会。

  • The soldiers will have drill this afternoon .

    士兵 今天 下午出操。

  • The home team was skinned alive this afternoon .

    今天 下午主队输得惨极了。

  • The conference will come to a close this afternoon .

    今天 下午会议闭幕。

  • The President met this afternoon with his top military advisers

    总统 今天 下午会见了他最得力的军事顾问。

  • I 'll do the shopping this afternoon .

    今天 下午我会去买东西。

  • The plane is due at 4:15 this afternoon .

    飞机定于 今天四点十五分 到达

  • This afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference

    今天 下午巴勒斯坦方面临时召开了记者招待会。

  • I 'm engaged this afternoon .

    今天 下午有事。

  • The Prime Minister is to make a statement in the Commons this afternoon

    今天 下午首相将在下议院发表声明。

  • Please fit the machine up for this afternoon 's class .

    请为 今天 下午的课准备好机器。

  • Well folks shall we go out this afternoon ?

    唔,各位, 今天 下午我们出去吗?

  • There 'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon .

    今天 下午天气晴好,间有零星阵雨。

  • You mean you 've arranged for a car to pick me up at2 this afternoon ? good for you !

    你的意思是说,你已安排了汽车 下午两点来接我,是吗?你真好!