
[ ˈθrɛtnɪŋ][ˈθretnɪŋ]



  • The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war

    这场战斗有 可能会演变为全面的战争。

  • She blackmailed him for years by threatening to tell the newspapers about their affair .

    她以公开他们的私情 要挟他很多年。

  • Public worries about accidents are threatening the very existence of the nuclear power industry .

    公众对事故的担忧正 威胁 核能工业的生存。

  • The commission pinpoints inadequate housing as a basic problem threatening village life .

    该委员会明确指出住房不足是 威胁村民生活的根本问题。

  • My employer countered my request for more money by threatening to dismiss me .

    老板 威胁要解雇我,回绝了我加薪的请求。

  • His words slowly relaxed her threatening attitude .

    他的言语慢慢地缓和了她的 威胁态度。

  • It warns that this is threatening marine life and livelihoods linked to fisheries and tourism .

    它警告说,这正在 威胁 海洋生物以及渔业和旅游业的生计。

  • I can see why you believed my letters were threatening but I never meant them to be .

    我能理解你为什么认为我的信是在 吓唬人,但是我绝无此意。

  • She said Denny had received a threatening letter and asked me if I sent it .

    她说丹尼收到一封 恐吓信,并问是不是我寄的。

  • His temples pulsed a little threatening a headache

    他的 太阳穴跳了一会,像是头痛 发作了

  • Do you keep all the threatening letters ?

    你把所有的 恐吓信都收起来了吗?

  • He looked tall and powerful and with his dark watchful face a little threatening .

    他看上去又高又壮,面色黝黑,满脸警觉,真叫人有点 害怕

  • He has accused her of threatening to gouge his eyes out .

    他指控她曾 威胁 挖出他的眼睛。

  • He 's been threatening me for months .


  • A cyclone in the Bay of Bengal is threatening the eastern Indian states .

    发生在孟加拉湾的飓风正 威胁 印度东部各邦。

  • Are you threatening me ?

    你是在 威胁我吗?

  • He has acquired by dint of threatening to resign a directorate-general with about 150 officials .

    他以辞职 威胁 从而获得了局长的位子,手下有大约150名官员。

  • Parisian taxi drivers are threatening to mount a blockade to turn the screw on the government .

    巴黎出租车司机们正 威胁阻塞交通以对政府进一步施压。

  • We could not grow it was said without threatening economic stability much less grow and distribute wealth .

    有人说,我们不可能在不 威胁 经济稳定的情况下实现增长,更别提增长和财富分配的美梦了。

  • The terrorists are threatening to blow up the plane .

    恐怖分子 扬言要炸毁飞机。

  • A threat or the act of threatening .

    一个威胁或一种 威胁的行为。

  • The guard growled out a warning threatening the prisoners with his gun .

    看守吼了一声警告,并用枪 威胁囚犯们。

  • The fire is threatening about sixty homes and residents have evacuated the area

    大火正 威胁 大约60户人家,居民已经从该地区撤离。

  • The police could have charged them with threatening behaviour

    警方本可指控他们 恐吓

  • Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses .

    大型超市的掠夺性价格正 威胁 小商店的生计。

  • Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law

    猥亵和 恐吓电话都是违法的。

  • They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition

    他们 威胁 退出执政联盟,让政府垮台。

  • Preventing military forces from threatening or harming other countries ' security and stability ;

    军事力量不得 威胁或损害他国的安全与稳定;