


  • This paper reports the following results of study on the integrated control of Moso bamboo foot rot caused by Arthrinium phaeospermum : ( 1 ) 40 % compound of seedvax and thiram and 70 % thiophanate methyl WP were found to have very good fungistasis for this pathogen ;

    报道毛竹基腐病(Arthrinium phaeospermum)综合防治技术的研究结果:(1)40%拌种双和70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂对病菌的生长有极强的抑制力;

  • Residue Dynamics of Thiram in Rice and Paddy Soil


  • Analytical Method for the Mixture of Thiophanate-methyl and Thiram

    甲基硫菌灵、 福美双混合制剂的分析方法研究

  • The results showed that coefficient of variations were 0.41 and 1.60 for metalaxyl and thiram respectively ;

    甲霜灵和 福美双的变异系数分别为0.41%、1.60%;

  • And the degradation of thiram by Cu2 + was also studied by spectrophotometry . Furthermore its electrode reaction mechanism was proposed in this paper .

    同时还结合分光光度法研究了Cu~(2+)对 福美双的降解 行为,并探讨了该极谱 的电极过程机理。

  • Study on Analysis Method of Mixing Thiram Agent by HPLC


  • The control effect of fungicide 50 % thiram WP for rhizoctonia rot was 58.8 % .

    杀菌剂50% 福美双可湿性粉剂 对立枯病的防效 ,仅为58.8%。

  • In this paper the symptoms morphology and some biological characters ofthe pathogens and its control were reported . 40 % thiram X1000 can controleffectively this disease and no damage to both Vegetive hyphae and sporoc-arps of Pleurotus osteratus .

    本文报道了该病的症状,病原特性,部分生物学特性和对该病的防治结果,试验表明,40% 福美双1000倍液能有效地控制该病,对平茹无害。

  • Study of Applying Effect of 15 % Ke Fu Wei ( Carbonfuran Thiram Carboxin ) Seed Coating on Corn

    15%克·福· 悬浮种衣剂在玉米上的应用效果研究

  • In the fields satisfactory effects were achieved in controlling the disease by successive spray with Bordeaux mixture ( 1 % ) or 40 % thiram ( 1:600 ) three times at ten-day intervals at the beginning of spring cycle shoot formation .

    用1:1:100波尔多液和600倍40%的 福美双液于春梢抽发期每10天左右连续喷3次,其防治效果较好。

  • Residue Method for Determination of Thiram in Cotton and Soil by HPLC


  • Analysis of 25 % Thiram + Carbofuran + Carboxin SC for Seed Coating by HPLC

    25% 福美双·克百威·萎锈灵悬浮种衣剂液相色谱分析

  • HPLC Determination of 24 % Metalaxyl · Thiram WP for Seed Coating

    24%甲· 福可湿性 种衣剂的液相色谱分析

  • Linear correlations were 0.9996 and 0.9987 for metalaxyl and thiram respectively .

    线性相关系数分别为0.9996和 0.9987

  • The Residual Dynamics of Carboxin and Thiram in Rice Plants and Soil

    卫福( carboxin+thiram)在水稻苗及土壤上的残留动态

  • Effect of diet with thiram and copper on tibial dyschondroplasia in broilers


  • Determination of 40 % Benomyl + Thiram in WP Mixture by HPLC

    40%苯菌·福 美可湿性粉剂的液相色谱分析

  • The method is rapid and accurate for the quality control of carbofuran · thiram · triadimefon seed dressing on production line .

    可以 作为 克·福·唑种衣剂生产控制分析方法。

  • Test on Controlling Barly Striped with the Mixture of Triadimefon and Thiram by Seed Dressing

    三唑酮和 拌种双混用防治大麦条纹病试验

  • An experiment was conducted to study the effect of thiram on the serum enzyme activities rate of tibial dyschondroplasia ( TD ) superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and malondialdehyde ( MDA ) of liver in broilers .

    研究了 福美双对肉鸡胫骨软骨发育不良、血清相关酶活性、肝脏SOD、MDA及 的影响。

  • The results showed that mancozeb ( and its compound ) and thiram have a stronger fungistatic action to spore germination and mycelium growth of E .

    结果表明:代森锰锌及其复配药剂、 福美双对大斑病菌孢子萌发、菌丝扩展均有较强的抑制作用;