
[ˈθɔrˌæks, ˈθor-][ˈθɔ:ræks]


  • Therapeutic effect of compound betamethasone on nerve block in relieving thorax - back postherpetic neuralgia

    复方倍他米松神经阻滞治疗 背部带状疱疹后神经痛的疗效

  • Human thorax ; Side impact model ; Biomechanical characteristics ; Values of model parameters ;

    人体 胸部;侧向碰撞模型;生物力学特性;模型参数值;

  • The Therapeutic Effect of Injecting Bleomycin after Retaining the Central Venous Catheter in Thorax for Draining Cancerous Hydrothorax ;

    目的观察温阳益气、散结泄水法治疗肺癌胸水的疗效及与 胸腔灌注化疗的协同作用。

  • It has a distinctly globular thorax . She is noticeably thinner after her illness .

    它的 胸部明显地呈球形。她生病后明显地瘦了。

  • Thorax multimodal medical image registration based on adaptive free-form deformation and gradient descent

    基于自适应自由变形法和梯度下降法的 胸部多模医学图像配准

  • The head and thorax of the child occupant are mainly injured regions in passenger car side impacts .

    在轿车侧面碰撞事故中,儿童乘员头、 胸部是主要损伤部位。

  • However ants have a narrow waist between the abdomen and thorax which termites do not .

    然而,蚂蚁有一个狭窄的“腰围”的腹部和 胸部,而白蚁不是。

  • 19 cases complicated with dropsy and haematocele in the pericardium mediastinum and thorax .

    并发心包、纵隔及 胸腔积液和积血共19例。

  • Clinically it could be employed in the treatment of some types of pain in head neck thorax lumbar and sacral region .

    在临床上可用于治疗头、颈、 、腰和骶部的疼痛。

  • The cardio-thoracic ratio expressed as a percentage is the ratio between the maximum transverse diameter of the heart and the maximum width of the thorax .

    心胸比率用百分率表示,是心脏最大横径和 最大宽径的比率。

  • An Electrical Impedance Tomography system for thorax monitoring was introduced .

    介绍了一种用于 胸腔监测的电阻抗成像系统。

  • Fig.8 Reconstruction of photo tiger based on No.29 with parts of limbs from No.12 and No24 ( red arrows ) and a part of thorax from No.12 .

    图8照片虎的重建,基于29号和来自12号和24号的部分肢体(红色箭头)和来自12号的部分 胸部

  • ( zoology ) having deep constrictions separating head thorax and abdomen as in insects .

    (动物学)分离的头、 、腹部由紧缩分开的,如某些昆虫。

  • Objective To discuss the application of CT fluoroscopy and Pinpoint guided percutaneous transthoracic biopsy in thorax .

    目的:探讨CT透视及Pinpoint导引下 胸部活检术。

  • It is less time-consuming than a conventional multistep approach with CT alone ( abdomen and thorax ) and PET imaging if required .

    这比以往传统的单纯CT(腹部和 胸腔)多步骤检查和必要的PET成像花费更少的时间。

  • It has a distinctly globular thorax .

    它的 胸部明显地呈球形。

  • Clinical main symptoms is the stiffness and pain of the lumbar sacro ack cervical spine and hip even affect to the hypochondria and anterior part of thorax .

    临床主要表现为腰、骶、背、颈、脊柱和髋部僵硬疼痛,甚至影响到胁肋及 胸前部。

  • Waist circumference can significantly predict asthma even for people who aren 't technically overweight according to a study in Thorax .

    根据《 胸腔 Thorax 杂志上的一项研究,腰围可以有效预测哮喘,甚至是对那些理论上并不超重的人。

  • Of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax .

    属于、关于胸膜或 胸腔壁的。

  • Herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax following traumatic diaphragmatic rupture can simulate acute tension pneumothorax .

    外伤性横膈破裂后,腹内臓器进到 胸腔会造成和急性压力性气胸 相似 症状

  • Proe growth of the spine and growth of the thorax are directly related .

    目标。证明脊柱的生长与 的生长直接相关。

  • Results The observed indexes which represented the changes of heart blood vessels thorax and lung volume were changing in different degrees with age growth .

    结果代表心脏、大血管、 及肺体积改变的各项观测指标,随年龄增长而发生不同程度的变化。

  • From ground-based telescopes the ant nebula resembles the head and thorax of a garden ant .


  • These birds vibrate the whole thorax .


  • She and her colleagues report the findings in the medical journal Thorax .

    她及其同事在《 胸科》医学杂志上发表了该研究结果。

  • Of conventional imaging procedures contrast-enhanced CT is the most common for both the abdomen and the thorax .

    在传统的影像方法中,对比增强CT在腹部和 胸腔检查方面是普遍的。

  • The insects are tracheate arthropods in which the body is divided into head thorax and abdomen .

    昆虫是有气管的节肢动物,体躯分为头部, 胸部和腹部。